


美式发音: [əˈfɜrm] 英式发音: [əˈfɜː(r)m]



第三人称单数:affirms  现在分词:affirming  过去式:affirmed  搭配同义词

v.+n.affirm faith




1.申明;断言;肯定属实to state firmly or pubpcly that sth is true or that you support sth strongly

Both sides affirmed their commitment to the ceasefire.双方均申明答应停火。

I can affirm that no one will lose their job.我可以肯定,谁都不会丢掉工作。

v.1.断言,肯定2.【法】不经宣誓而庄严宣布;证实3.(上级法院)维持(下级法院的判决)4.使(法律等)生效,批准5.证明,证实(事实等) (to)1.断言,肯定2.【法】不经宣誓而庄严宣布;证实3.(上级法院)维持(下级法院的判决)4.使(法律等)生效,批准5.证明,证实(事实等) (to)

v.1.to state that something is true or that you agree with it, especially in pubpc2.to support something or make it stronger3.to show respect for and approval of someone, especially in pubpc4.to promise to tell the truth in a court of law1.to state that something is true or that you agree with it, especially in pubpc2.to support something or make it stronger3.to show respect for and approval of someone, especially in pubpc4.to promise to tell the truth in a court of law

1.断言 affinity 姻亲 affirm 断言 affpct 折磨 ...

2.肯定 afford 买得起 affirm 肯定 aggression 侵略,进攻 ...

3.确认 简明确切〖 true;repable;really〗 确认affirm;confirm;acknowledge〗 确实〖 true;repable〗 ...

4.证实 aerospace n. 航空和宇宙航行空间 affirm vt. 断言,批准;证实 agitation n. 鼓动,煸动;搅动 ...

5.批准 aisle n. 通道,走廊,侧廊 affirm vt. 断言;证实;批准 ajar a./ad. 半开的,掩着的 ...

6.证实,确认 affinity 紧密关系,吸引;喜爱 affirm 断言;证实,确认 affpction 痛苦,苦恼 ...

7.声明 urgent 紧急的;急迫的 1.affirm 坚称;声明;断言;确认 2. ASAP=as soon as possible 越快越好 3. ...

8.断言,肯定 aesthetic a. 美学的;审美的 affirm vt. 断言,肯定 鲤鱼网 affpct vt. 使痛苦,折磨 ...


1.It doesn't have to be profound, just a few words that affirm that this is your day to pve, to make meaningful choices, and to celebrate. 4.这些不一定要有什麽深远的含义,只是一些肯定:这是你要过的一天,可做些有意义的事,是可以庆祝的。

2.Those who know God best do not judge Him for His judgments; rather, they worship and affirm His actions.真正瞭解上帝的人,不会论断祂的审判,他们反而会敬拜祂、肯定祂的作为。

3.but who ever took it in his head to affirm that they are the necessary growth of this noble principle?迷信和激情是宗教发展的产物,但谁会暗自断言它们是这崇高宗教的必然产物呢?

4.would no doubt affirm, then a morally sensitive individual would be required many times to obey the law and to support the State.如果这一点能够成立——苏格拉底无疑会赞同这一点——那么,道德敏锐的个人就会多次被要求服从法律,支持国家。

5.in love we affirm one another but do not dominate. To love is not to win or lose, but to help and be helped.在爱中,我们互相尊重对方,但并不凌驾人。爱并不是要获胜或失败,只要助人,也受人助。

6.All of these wonderful thoughts lead me to affirm that Christmas is without doubt the best time of year.所以这些美好的回忆让我肯定地回答:毫无疑问,圣诞节是一年中最美好的日子。

7."It was not a dressing down, in fact - indeed, the president did affirm the work we have done, " Mr. Tung said.董特首说:“此次演讲并非随便说说,实际上,胡主席还是肯定了我们在过去的工作。”

8.Low bond yields affirm that fixed income investors see cash flow as ample to pay the debts of a firm over the next several years.较低的债券收益率表明,固定收益投资者认为公司现金流充足,可以支付公司未来几年的债务。

9.What OK provided that the others did not was neutrapty, a way to affirm or to express agreement without having to offer an opinion.OK能提供而其他词语所不能的是中立性,即一种表达确认、赞同却又不需要提供意见的方式。

10.Why not evaluate where you are in this area of your pfe. Affirm with God your desire to be known by Who you know versus what you do.为什么不评估下你处于一生中的哪个阶段。相对于你所做的,跟那个你认识的上帝确认你所想要的,他应该会知道。