


美式发音: [ˈæˌfɪks] 英式发音: [ˈæfɪks]


n.词缀(unhappy 中的 un- 和 careless 中的 -less 都是词缀)


第三人称单数:affixes  现在分词:affixing  过去式:affixed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.affix signature





1.[oftpass]~ sth (to sth)粘上;贴上;附上to stick or attach sth to sth else

The label should be firmly affixed to the package.这张标签应该牢牢地贴在包裹上。


1.词缀(unhappy 中的 un- 和 careless 中的 -less 都是词缀)a letter or group of letters added to the beginning or end of a word to change its meaning. The prefixun- inunhappy and the suffix-less incareless are both affixes .



v.1.to fasten something to something else

n.1.a new part added to the beginning or end of a word that changes its meaning

1.词缀 词藻〖 flowerylanguage〗 词缀affix〗 词族〖 wordfamily〗 ...

2.附加 affright 震惊,恐惧 affix 附加,贴上 affirm 肯定,确实 ...

3.贴上 affright 震惊,恐惧 affix 附加,贴上 affirm 肯定,确实 ...

4.使附于 affix to 签署 affix 使附于 affixation 附加 ...

5.粘贴 粘连〖 adhesion〗 粘贴affix;stick〗 粘缠〖 closelystickto〗 ...

6.附件 affipate 附属公司; 联营公司 affix 附件, 附录 Africa 非洲 ...

7.黏上 affirm 断言 affix 黏上,贴上,附加 affpct 使...痛苦 ...

8.附录 affipate 附属公司; 联营公司 affix 附件, 附录 Africa 非洲 ...


1.We could reprint at a cost of X, or she had found a service that would affix stickers over the price to correct at a cost of X.我们可以按成本价格重新印刷,这将花费X,或根据她找到的一种修正服务,可以重新粘贴上正确的价格,这将花费X。

2.If he refuses to affix his signature or fingerprint, the case handlers shall record the situation down in the transcripts of interrogation.拒绝签名或者捺指印的,办案人员应当在讯问笔录上注明。

3.Any phrase, word or even affix, if it has a relatively complete meaning, can be seen as a semantic unit.任何词组、单词甚至是词缀,只要能够表达一个相对完整的概念,就可以充当一个语义单位。

4.Entrants must affix the appropriate number sheet (found on the bottom of the entry form) to the back of each panel.参赛者须于每一张裱版背面适当处签署编号(签于报名表底部)

5.In case the holder refuses to sign or affix his seal, or he or she is absent, the matter shall be indicated in the pst.持有人拒绝签名、盖章或者不在场的,应当在清单上注明。

6.To affix one's signature to a document as a witness or to show consent.署名作为证人或为表示同意而在文件上签名

7.any morpheme or combination of morphemes to which an inflectional affix can be added .词干是指能加上屈折词缀的语素或语素的组合。

8.If any person under inquiry refuses to affix his signature or seal, the case undertakers shall record the situation down in the notes.被询问人拒绝签名或者盖章的,案件承办人应当在笔录上注明。

9.The contrast and affix recovery test indicate that this method is accurate and repable.对照实验和添加回收实验表明,该法准确可靠。

10.N: Please bring a photograph of yourself. We have to affix a stamp on the corner of it.请带一张你的照片来,我们要在它的角上盖个印儿。