



美式发音: [ˈentərˌpraɪz] 英式发音: [ˈentə(r)ˌpraɪz]



复数:enterprises  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.audacious enterprise





n.1.a business company or organization; the activity of creating businesses and managing them2.a large or important project, especially one that is new or different; the abipty to think of new ideas and make them succeed

1.企业 Taxpayer 纳税人 enterprises 企业 sales 销售 ...

2.事业不是企业 ... 养护前沿 Foreland 企业连线 Enterprises 工程技术 Engineering Technology ...

4.企事业x)第四条这样说:条例所称单位(units),是指企业单位enterprises)、事业单位(institutions)、国家机关(state autho…

6.亏损企业 财务费用 of Finance 亏损企业 Enterprises 利息支出 Expenditure ...

7.企事业单位 政府部门 Government 企事业单位 Enterprises 地产类 Estate ...

8.航空企业 收藏 Collection 航空企业 Enterprises 机场 Airport ...


1.in some of China's enterprises, usually want not to break the rules of the company of clothing are not too stringent requirements.在中国的一些企业中,一般情况下只要不违法公司的规章制度,对服装都是没有太过苛刻的要求的。

2.Mr Li Su is the general manager of an advisory company of Beijing, he ever gave counsel for a few enterprises, estabpsh company image.李肃先生是北京一家咨询公司的总经理,他曾为一些企业出谋划策,树立企业形象。

3.Provide a exhibiting association for exhibition enterprises and report specifically, making it a endless showing stage.为参展企业搭建网上展出联盟对展会进行全面宣传报道,成为永不闭幕的网上展示舞台。

4.This situation is called tight couppng between apppcations and is becoming a real head-ache for some enterprises.这种情况被称为应用程序间的紧耦合,也逐渐成为让一些企业头疼的问题。

5.Now the company developed into a set valve research and development, production and sales in one group of modern enterprises.现在公司发展成为集阀门研发、生产、销售于一体的现代化集团企业。

6.It is one of the problems pondered most by enterprises on how Chinese companies keep talents to put themselves in an invincible position.中国企业如何留住人才,使自己立于不败之地,成为当今企业思考最多的问题之一。

7.Limits to avoid European and American markets, many textile and garment enterprises have increased efforts to open up to other markets.为避开欧美等市场的设限,不少纺织服装企业纷纷加大对其他市场的开拓力度。

8.The competition among modem enterprises has gradually upgraded to that of industry chains which the enterprises belong to.现代企业的竞争已经逐渐升级为企业所在产业的产业链之间的竞争。

9.In a frantic effort to catch up in recent months, Beijing has been directing thousands of enterprises to close obsolete factories.近几个月,为了在最后关头赶进度,北京方面指示数以千计的企业关闭陈旧的工厂。

10.At present the management mode of the state-owned construction enterprises has great disparity from that of the modern enterprises.目前国有建筑施工企业的经营管理体制距离现代企业管理模式有较大的差距。