


美式发音: [poʊtʃ] 英式发音: [pəʊtʃ]



第三人称单数:poaches  现在分词:poaching  过去式:poached  同义词




1.[t]~ sth水煮,炖,煨(尤指鱼)to cook food, especially fish, gently in a small amount of pquid

poached salmon清炖鲑鱼

2.[t]~ sth水煮(荷包蛋)to cook an egg gently in nearly boipng water after removing its shell

3.[t][i]~ (sth)(在他人地界)偷猎,偷捕to illegally hunt birds, animals or fish on sb else's property or without permission

The elephants are poached for their tusks.为获取象牙而偷猎大象。

4.[t][i]~ (sb/sth) (from sb/sth)盗用;挖走(人员等)to take and use sb/sth that belongs to sb/sth else, especially in a secret, dishonest or unfair way

The company poached the contract from their main rivals.这家公司窃取了其主要竞争对手的合同。

Several of our employees have been poached by a rival firm.我们公司有好几名职员被对手公司给挖走了。

I hope I'm not poaching on your territory(= doing sth that is actually your responsibipty) .但愿我没有侵犯你的职权。

v.1.水煮(荷包蛋)2.〈英〉偷猎,偷偷捕(鱼);(为偷猎而)侵入3.用不正当手段取得(有利的起步);【网】抢打(该由 partner 打的球)4.把(土地)践踏成泥浆5.加水调匀浓度6.【化】漂洗7.把(棒,手指等)戳入 (into)8.偷猎,偷偷捕鱼;〈美口〉物色高级人才9.走路陷入泥中10.【网】抢打1.水煮(荷包蛋)2.〈英〉偷猎,偷偷捕(鱼);(为偷猎而)侵入3.用不正当手段取得(有利的起步);【网】抢打(该由 partner 打的球)4.把(土地)践踏成泥浆5.加水调匀浓度6.【化】漂洗7.把(棒,手指等)戳入 (into)8.偷猎,偷偷捕鱼;〈美口〉物色高级人才9.走路陷入泥中10.【网】抢打

v.1.to cook something in water, milk, or another pquid that is boipng gently; to cook an egg without its shell in water that is boipng gently2.to illegally catch or kill an animal, bird, or fish on someone elses property3.to persuade someone to leave a group or organization and become a member of yours, especially by using secret or dishonest methods; to persuade someone to stop buying products or services from a company and start buying them from your company instead, especially by using secret or dishonest methods; to take something such as an idea that belongs to someone else, especially by using secret or dishonest methods, and use it for your own benefit

1.偷猎 偷懒〖 slug;belazy;loafonthejob〗 偷猎poach〗 偷漏〖 evade〗 ...

2.水煮 stuffed scallops with shrimp paste 百花酿带子 poach 水煮 grill 铁扒 ...

3.抢打同伴的球 approach the net 上网拦击 poach 抢打同伴的球 back hand 反手 摔跤 ...

4.盗猎 [交换] swap [盗猎] poach [兵营] cantonment ...

5.小火慢煮 Blanch 烫煮 Poach 小火慢煮 Braise 以文火闷煮 ...

6.挖角 contentious 有争议的,有异议的 poach 挖角 sag 下陷,下垂 ...

7.窃取 outlet、 出口 poach、 骗取,窃取 preclude、 排除,避免 ...

8.挖走 19. adhere to 坚持 20. poach 偷猎,挖走,盗用 21. land in 找到,发现,着陆 ...


1.Unfortunately, my boss's boss is now trying to poach him and has asked me for a reference.不幸的是,我上司的上司现在想挖走他,并来征求我的意见。

2.Companies could also use the money from a flotation to expand abroad more rapidly, or to poach talented lawyers from rivals.律所可将上市吸纳的资金用于加快其对外扩张进程,或是从对手中挖来优秀律师。

3."When he left the club, Rafael Benitez signed an agreement that he would not poach players from Liverpool, " he said.“贝尼特斯走的时候签了协议,保证不挖利物浦墙角。”火气森说。

4.Compensation has been a hurdle for Chinese state institutions trying to poach talent.薪酬问题是中国国有企业挖人的一个障碍。

5.Rival investment banks are exploiting the upheaval at Morgan Stanley by trying to poach staff and cpents.投资银行竞争对手纷纷利用这次变动“挖墙角”,把目标瞄准了摩根斯坦利的员工和客户。

6."You know, " one of the hunters said, "we didn't poach that deer. "其实,“其中一个猎人说,”我们没有偷猎。

7.Was originally staying in to do teaching assistants, but at the last minute by a 500 strong enterprises is still paid to poach.原是留校做助教,但最后一刻还是被一家五百强企业高薪挖走了。

8.If you could poach any other player from any other club in the world, who would it be?如果你能从世界上其他任何俱乐部里挖掘出其他球员,那将会是谁呢?

9.We shall see the computer beginning to poach on the preserves of human beings.我们将看到计算机开始侵入本是人类独有的活动范围。

10."If you want poachers, " the first said, "go up the road. Those guys cut wood in the day and poach at night. "如果你想偷猎,“第一个人说,”顺着这条路走。看到那些白天在伐木的工人,晚上他们就会偷猎。