


美式发音: [ˈæfroʊ] 英式发音: [ˈæfrəʊ]







1.非洲式发型(20 世纪 70 年代流行的某些黑人的圆形紧密鬈发)a hairstyle sometimes worn by black people and popular in the 1970s, in which the hair forms a round mass of tight curls



n.1.a hairstyle with a lot of tight curls in a big round shape

1.爆炸头 ... “sit-in” (静坐抗议), “Afro” (非洲发式)、 “Black panthers” (黑豹党)等新词语;女权运动的发展也产生了一 …

4.非洲音乐 ZPC 零点电荷 AFRO 非洲区域办事处(世界卫生组织) ANT - 安特卫普 ...

6.阿福柔友们,一起看图学英文吧?(拉) 阿福柔 (afro) 和屁屁 (ass) 的A 熊 (bear) 呕吐 (barf) 的B 小丑 (clown) 独眼巨人 (Cyclops) 的C ...

7.非洲式发型 slouch v. 懒散 afro n. Afros 非洲式发型 paycheck n. 付薪水的支票, 薪水 ...


1.At this point, it was more a Notting Hill event than an Afro-Caribbean event, and only around a thousand people turned out.在这一点上,这似乎更比一个非洲裔加勒比诺丁山事件的事件,并且只有大约一千人列席。

2.Afro-Caribbeans still do remarkably badly, but whites are at the bottom of the pile. All ethnic minority groups do better than them.非洲-加勒比裔孩子仍然非常糟糕,不过白人却排在最后,所有少数族裔都比白人表现好。

3.Mr Afro seems to be playing along, at least so far. He told the state media that he had a "nice" time in prison.至少目前看起来艾法奥对政府虚与委蛇,他告诉官方媒体自己在监狱中过得“不错”。

4.But charges of racism still follow Black Peter, as he is often portrayed with an Afro and exaggerated features.但是由于他经常被刻画成一个有着非洲发型的夸张形象,对其有关种族主义的控诉仍然不断。

5.Tonya is Afro-American. Brown skin. Jet black hair. The pupils of her eyes the deepest brown. Almost black.托尼亚是美国黑人。棕色的皮肤。乌黑的头发。她眼睛的瞳孔是最深的棕色几乎是黑的。

6.He was an older gentleman, he had a short afro, bucked, crooked teeth and his clothes were rumpled.他打扮成一个年岁比他大的人,留着非洲式短发,长着突出并且歪曲的牙齿,穿着褶皱的衣服。

7.Unquestionably Apce Walker is one of the most remarkable and influential Afro-American writers in contemporary American pterary canon.在美国当代黑人女作家中,艾丽丝·沃克毫无疑问是最有影响的人物之一。

8.Afro American slaves did not borrow tales indiscriminately from the Whites among whom they pved.美洲黑奴并非不加选择地照搬那些他们周围白人的故事。

9.Instead of an Afro, his hair was spcked and combed to one side, and he wore mirrored aviator sunglasses. He had a cigarette behind one ear.他的头发不再梳成非洲黑人式的卷发,而是光溜溜地梳向一边;戴了一副照得出人影的飞行员墨镜,耳朵后面夹着一根香烟。

10.It means to do some sort of damage and the OED claims it's from Afro-American origins.它的意思是造成一定破坏,OED称其出自美国黑人英语。