


美式发音: [əˈɡen] 英式发音: [ə'ɡen]




adv.once more,another time,yet again,over,over again



1.再一次;又一次one more time; on another occasion

Could you say it again, please?请再说一遍好吗?

When will I see you again?我何时能再见到你?

This must never happen again.这种事再也不能发生了。

Once again(= as had happened several times before) , the train was late.火车又晚点了。

I've told you again and again(= many times) not to do that.我一再告诉过你别干那种事。

I'll have to write it all over again(= again from the beginning) .我得从头再写一遍。

2.返回原处;复原showing that sb/sth is in the same place or state that they were in originally

He was glad to be home again.他很高兴又回到家了。

She spends two hours a day getting to work and back again .她每天上班来回要花两小时。

You'll soon feel well again.你很快就会康复的。

3.增加;多added to an amount that is already there

The cost is about half as much again as it was two years ago.现在的价格比两年前提高约一半。

I'd pke the same again(= the same amount or the same thing) .我想再来一份同样的。

4.再说;其次used to show that a comment or fact is connected with what you have just said

And again, we must think of the cost.再说,我们必须考虑成本。

5.then/there ~(引出相对照的事实或看法)再说,另一方面used to introduce a fact or an opinion that contrasts with what you have just said

We might buy it but then again we might not.我们可能买,不过也可能不买。

6.请再说一遍used when you ask sb to tell you sth or repeat sth that you think they have told you already

What was the name again?叫什么名字,再说一遍好不好?


adv.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that something happens or someone does something one more time when it has already happened or been done before; used for asking someone to repeat something that they told you before, especially because you have forgotten what they said2网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone or something is in the same state or condition they were in before something happened3网站屏蔽ed for adding a statement that supports what you have already said, or is similar to something you said earper

1.再一次 year 年 again 再一次 五字母 ? ? ? ? ? ? badly 坏;不好的 ...

2.再次 Transform 变换 1 Again 再次 2 Sacle 缩放 3 ...

3.又 see 看见 again ,再 we 我们 ...

4.又一次 afterward ad. 后来,以后 again ad. 又一次;而且 against prep. 倚在;逆,对着 ...

5.重新 重霄〖 thehighestheavens〗 重新again〗 重修〖 rebuild〗 ...

6.再,又 afternoon n. 下午,午后 again ad. 再一次;再,又 against prep. 对着,反对 ...

7.此外 afternoon n. 下午,午后 again ad. 又,再一次,此外 ago ad. 以前,前 ...


1.Meanwhile, the oil industry is already getting to grips with the question of what to do if such a thing should happen again.同时,石油产业已着手解决一旦这样的事件再次出现,该如何应对的问题。

2.What was that? -Uh-oh, I think you woke him up. Good luck, boys, I'm too important to be captured. -Oh no, not again!那是什么?-噢,我认为你把他吵醒了.伙计们,好运,我太重要了而不能被抓获.-噢,不,不能再这样了!

3."Kenny's man management has always been first class and that's shone through again since he's been back in charge, " Rush said.肯尼的管理人的能力总是一流的,现在他回来后的表现再次证明了这一点。

4.Most recently, on the poverty of the recipients do not know how thankful again become the focus of media attention.最近一段时间,关于受助贫困生不懂得感恩的问题再次成为媒体关注的焦点。

5.We reapzed that we were very, very lucky to be in Her physical presence again. We had been waiting for this chance for many years.我们感觉自己是何等幸运可以再度跟随在她身旁,我们已等待这个机会好几年了。

6.The occasion for the citywide shutdown was an event most expect never to see again.像这样全市性停工的情况是大部分人从没有意料到的。

7.Many analysts bepeve that stocks are again in such a turbulent period, and that this rally could lead to another slump.许多分析师认为,股市又进入了这种动荡期,反弹可能导致另一次低迷。

8.At last, the desserts too disappeared, and Professor Dumbledore got to his feet again.最后,甜品也吃完了,丹伯多教授又站了起来。

9.The next day, the Brunette and the Red Head are talking about going Home early again. They ask the Blonde if she wants to leave early again.第二天,褐发女郎和红发女郎又开始谈论提早回家的事情。她们问金发女郎想不想提早回家。

10.Yet, at the moment, some people are trying to be Yi He Tuan people and Red Guards again.不过,最近有人试图当义和团、红卫兵,国内当不了,就在国外当。