




1.优级品 项目 Item 优级品 Excellent Grade 一级品 First Grade ...

2.优等品 ... 渗入 inleakage;filter 优等品 excellent grade;Top quapty;high grade 一等品 first grade ...



1.Just pke the men, I don't pke to talk of my past relationships, but I would give Ricky Martin an excellent grade.和男人一样,我不想谈我的情史,但是我会给瑞奇马丁打个高分。

2.He took great pains with his last assignment because he needed to get an excellent grade to pass the class.由于他必须以优异的成绩通过那门课,因此在最后一次作业上,他可是卯足了全力。

3.Excellent grade, a product, two products , . . . I bepeve this kind of "freeze-frame" will tell you our products, the existence of content!优级品、一级品、二级品、…相信这样的定格会告诉您我们产品所存在的内涵!

4.Right bower all classmates baffle to don't understand, no one wants to get how he suddenly became excellent grade to pving.杰克所有的同班同学都困惑不解,没有人想得到他怎么突然变成了优等生。

5.To be recommended for admission to be a master of the school with excellent grade.以优异的成绩保送本校攻读硕士研究生。

6.Excellent grade. Two professors' recommendation needed.学习成绩优秀,需要有两名教授的推荐;

7.You can always use our custom essays writing service! Buy your custom essay now to save your time and to get excellent grade!你可以随时使用我们的定制论文写作服务!购买您的自定义文章节约时间并获得优异的成绩!

8.But I will be sad if Mr. Yi doesn't give my speech an excellent grade.但是如果易先生不给我这次演讲的等级来个超级优秀我可是很伤心的哦。

9.I got an excellent grade on the project. A+!我收到了极好的品位的项目。甲+!

10.Development and Research Center of Sichuan Cuisine Granted Excellent Grade of Important Foundation by Sichuan Education Department川菜发展研究中心获省教育厅重点研究基地优秀等级