


美式发音: [ˈeɪdʒləs] 英式发音: ['eɪdʒləs]







1.青春永驻的;永不显老的never looking old or never seeming to grow old

Her beauty appeared ageless.她的美似乎不随时间改变。

2.永恒的existing for ever; impossible to give an age to

the ageless mystery of the universe宇宙永恒之谜


adj.1.an ageless person or thing never seems to look old2.something that is ageless has existed for a very long time and continues to exist

1.不老的 ageing 成熟 ageless 不老的 agelong 持续的 ...

2.永恒的 aged 年老的 ageless 不老的,永恒的 Linguistic skills 常见搭配 ...

3.不会老的 ageism 年龄主义 ageless 不会老的 agency 能量 ...

4.长生不老 Travel( 游历) (10) Ageless( 长生不老) Thirteenth Tales( 第十三个故事) ...

5.永远的 forever ad. 永远的,不断的 ageless a. 不会老的,不老的,永远的 eonian a. 永远的,永久的 ...

6.永不衰老的 happy 快乐的 ageless 永不衰老的 noble 高贵的 ...


1.Several years before, as I remember it, Dr. Conwell had been tremendously intrigued by a true story, which had an ageless moral to it.我记得,康威尔博士在几年前曾为一个真实的故事而深深着迷,因为它道出了一个永恒的道理。

2.She looked ageless. Her mouth was set in a frown as she began to speak.她看起来年轻了好多,当她开始说话时,嘴角微微向上翘起。

3.During such a shift, the biology went from a state of ageless unity and honor to one of dishonor or aging, disease and deformity.在这样一个改变期间,生物体从不老的统一尊重的状态进入了一个无尊重或老化死亡及残疾的状态。

4.Summon the might of Horus through the pght of the millennium constellations into the temple beneath the ageless pyramid.去不朽金字塔下的神圣庙宇中,于千年璀璨星光下召唤荷露斯的力量!

5.It's newly-built train with all the modern amenities of a 5-star hotel combined with the ageless charms of classic Indian culture.它结合经典印度文化的永恒魅力的一个5星级酒店的所有现代化的设施,新建的火车。

6.She saw him, how he was motionless and ageless, pke some crouching idol, some image of a deathly repgion .她望着他,他是多么平静,多么不凡,象一尊屈膝的偶像,死亡宗教中的某个偶像。

7.The ageless won't grow old. You sail with your young bride. Love will warm winter cold. Spring will ever abide.振宁不老松,扬帆为小翁,岁寒情更热,花好驻春风。

8.An ageless love myth continues in the years of love story.风花雪月的岁月,延续着一个不老的爱情神话。

9.The child ever dwells in the mystery of ageless time, unobscured by the dust of history.小孩永远住在不老的时间的神秘里,

10.Photographer Ansel Adams's images of ageless trees and monumental mountains evoke a realm of timeless beauty preserved in national parks.摄影家亚当斯(AnselAdams)镜头中历经沧桑的林木与气势磅礴的山岩,展示了国家公园保存的亘古之美。