


美式发音: [əˈɡrɛsɪvlɪ] 英式发音: [ə'ɡresɪvlɪ]








1.侵略地 aggressive 侵略性的 aggressively 侵略地 aggressor 侵略者 ...

2.攻势地 aggregate 合计, 总计, 集合体 aggressively 侵略地, 攻势地 air inlet 通风口 ...

3.积极地 ... fragile: 不牢固的,不确定的 aggressively: 积极地 warfare: 战争,战争状态 ...

4.气势汹汹地 Prediction 名词“预言,预测” aggressively adv. 气势汹汹地 Flesh 名词 , 肌肉; 肉 ...

5.侵略性的 ... aggressor n. 侵略者 aggressively adv. 侵略性的 aggressive nations 侵略成性的国家 ...

6.好斗的 ... 34.chant v. 反复的唱 35.aggressively adv. 好斗的;咄咄逼人的 36.sinew n. 力量;力气 ...


1.By ending the first ever significant battle between the sheers , Iran appears to be ready to intervene more aggressively.从调停伊拉克两大派系有史以来最重大的战役以来,伊朗似乎随时准备进行更积极的干预活动。

2.The reason was that the Fed would respond "aggressively" , by which he meant a cut in the federal funds rate of just one percentage point.原因在于联储将会做出激进的反应,但他所谓的激进反应只不过是联邦基金利率会下调1个百分点。

3.Stretch yourself. Get out of your comfort zone and aggressively seek out the so-called "hidden job" market.充分的展示自己,那自己离开那些“舒服区域”,积极地去寻找那些所谓的“隐藏着的”工作机会。

4.Having cut costs aggressively, their operations are poised to take full advantage of any further pick-up in trade.在大举削减成本之后,它们已做好充分利用贸易方面任何进一步复苏的准备。

5.Those who engage in improper behavior, pke trying to mingle with strangers or sell products too aggressively, are kicked out.那些有不当行为的人,比如与可疑人混在一起或是大肆推销东西的人会被踢出去。

6.Since the acquisition, Nomura has continued to expand its international operations aggressively, recruiting teams of bankers from rivals.自那次收购以来,野村不断积极扩张其国际业务,从竞争对手那里招募银行家团队。

7.Given all this, it's a bit surprising that onpne social networks haven't been more aggressively leveraged until now.鉴于此,迄今为止在线社会网络还没有被更加积极充分地利用,这是让人有些意外的。

8.Volumes were exceptionally heavy as hedge funds, which had bid aggressively for IPO allocations, sought to turn a quick profit.成交量格外强劲,此前大举认购首次公开发行(IPO)分配的对冲基金希望快速锁定利润。

9."At this point we have no plan to go offensive, but we will be aggressively defending ourselves if necessary, " he said.“此时此刻,我们没有进攻计划,但如有必要,我们将积极保卫自己,”他表示。

10.An Apple spokesman said Wednesday that the company had been aggressively monitoring factories in its supply chain with regular audits.一位苹果发言人周三称公司已经严密追踪公司的供应链和定期审计。