


美式发音: [əˈɡæst] 英式发音: [əˈɡɑːst]








1.惊恐;惊骇filled with horror and surprise when you see or hear sth

Erica looked at him aghast.埃里卡惊恐地望着他。

He stood aghast at the sight of so much blood.他看见这么多血,吓得目瞪口呆。


adj.1.shocked and upset

1.吓呆的 ages 年龄,时期,很长时间 aghast 惊骇的, 吓呆的 ascend 上升, 攀登 ...

2.惊骇的 city proper 城市市区部分 aghast 吃惊的,惊骇的 all-encompassing 无所不包的 ...

3.吃惊的 city proper 城市市区部分 aghast 吃惊的,惊骇的 all-encompassing 无所不包的 ...

4.骇然 womb 子宫 aghast 骇然 exhaust 排气 ...

5.恐怖的 aggravate 恶化 aghast 惊骇的;恐怖的 agile 敏捷的;活泼轻快的 ...

6.吓呆了 ... acrimonious 尖酸的 aghast 吓呆了 agile 敏捷的 ...


1.I saw her palms first. My eyes traveled up to her face, and my expression was nothing short of aghast.我首先看到的是她手掌的颜色,随后目光上移,注意到她的脸,我完全被吓到了。

2.As to his cousin, she wept, with all her might; aghast at the mischief she had done: though she said nothing.至于他表姐呢,拚命大哭,为她所惹的祸吓坏了;虽然她并没说什么。

3.The rustic driver, stupefied and aghast, stood looking at the wagon, and did nothing but utter loud cries to Hercules to come and help him.这个乡下赶车人一下呆住了,只是站在一旁看着牛车,他什么也没做只是大声哭喊着求大力神海格力斯来帮助他。

4.The crowd was aghast. The greatest swordsman had missed his target completely, yet he continued to smile.观众惊呆了。最厉害的剑客居然完全失准,可他却继续微笑着。

5.His blade came down in a mighty arc - but the insect continued on its way! The crowd was aghast.他的剑锋以一个巨大的弧线划了下来--然而那只昆虫还在继续飞行!观众被惊呆了。

6.They were aghast at the prospect of Congress enshrining such a system in law, and mildly repeved that Mr Obama has reversed himself.他们对国会或将承认该体制的合法性表示惊愕,但同时也对奥巴马先生改变初衷略感欣慰。

7.Phylps Hulme's family and friends were aghast when she told them doctors planned to put maggots on her leg ulcer.菲莉丝.哈尔姆的家人和朋友目瞪口呆,当她告诉他们,医师打算在她腿部的溃烂伤口上放蛆。

8.At this they were aghast. It was the cardinal tenet of their mode of reasoning to start with facts and to give names to the facts.诺尔屯的话把他们俩惊呆了——他们的推理模式的根本信条一向是从事实出发,绘事实加上些名词术语。

9.The three poets, with their mouths open, looked at him aghast, and there was a thirsty yet unlyrical hatred in their eyes.那三位诗人张咧着嘴,看得惊呆了。他们的眼里,露出强烈而不再有诗意的仇恨。

10."But you can't expect me to leave you here! " Teal was aghast.“可你别指望我把你丢在这里自己走!”缇尔惊呆了。