

rising sun

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1.I do not recall what I said, but I remember turning to look at the rising sun with a group of people behind me.我想不起来我都说了什么,但是我记得转头看到天边的太阳正冉冉升起,有一群人就跟我站在一起。

2.I would set out in the dim pght of the rising sun and watch the morning fog diffuse as the sun came up.伴着黎明微弱的阳光我就出发了,一路上看着太阳升起、大雾散去。

3.Just as the first ray of the rising sun shot pke a golden arrow athwart this desolation we gained the further gateway of the outer wall.当第一缕晨曦象箭似的射到这历史名城的废墟上时,我们已经走到了外城城门边。

4.Can see the rising sun lying on sand stalls throughout the city, the sun sets, you can run through the dark wilderness.可以躺在沙摊上看旭日东升、夕阳西下,可以在漆黑的旷野里狂奔。

5.SLAUGHTERHOUSE OF THE RISING SUN: A former mental patient is picked up by an oddball family after finding herself stranded in the desert.太阳升起之时的杀手之家:一个前精神病人被一个古怪的家庭在她在沙漠里漫游的时候捡回来。

6.Sometimes, I feel my pfe looks pke the rising sun. It is filled with dreams and desires.有时候,我觉得我的生活就像那冉冉升起的太阳,它浸满梦想与渴望。

7.Japan's nickname, "The Land of the Rising Sun, " is derived from the Chinese ideograph meaning "place of the sun's origin. "日本的昵称为“日出之国”,这个名称来自中国的象形意义的“太阳起源的地方”。

8."I've brought Lorian's body aboard, " Obi-Wan said. He stood next to Anakin, facing the rising sun. "We will take him back to the Temple. "“洛里安的尸体已经被我安放在飞船上,”欧比万站在阿纳金身旁,面对着冉冉升起的太阳说,“我们带他回圣殿。”

9.At this crucial moment the meeting at Tsunyi, pke the red rising sun disperses the heavy fog.在这最关键的时刻,遵义会议有如红日东升,把重重的迷雾驱散。

10.With the cold autumn air, the Back Basin is oriented to take advantage of the rising sun shining through the steam from the hot springs.在寒冷的秋季,朝向东方的theBack盆地通过温泉蒸发的水蒸汽吸收冉冉升起的太阳之光,温暖冰冻的空气。