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un.1.city in Uttar Pradesh state, northern India. It is famous as the site of the Taj Mahal.

1.阿格拉 D5/Dec.28:Jaipur 斋普尔 D6/Dec.29:Agra 泰姬陵 D7/Dec.30:Khajuraho 克久拉霍 ...

6.阿格拉城「泰姬玛哈陵(Taj Mahal)」位於阿格拉城(Agra)北部,在亚穆拉河(Yamuna)右岸,隔著河与阿格拉古城遥望,是「蒙兀儿帝国(…

7.阿哥拉阿哥拉(AGRA):这里是统治全印度几百年的蒙末尔王朝的首都所在地,这里融合了登峰造极的艺术成就与刻骨铭心的爱情故事 …


1.It was built on the bank of the Jumna River in Agra, India. Most of it was made of white marble.泰姬陵坐落在印度阿格拉的亚穆纳河畔,其主体是用白色大理石修建的。

2.He said AGRA was not rupng out GMOs and if and when they were introduced it would be with all the appropriate "safeguards. "他说,AGRA不排斥转基因生物,是否引进,何时引进都会有适当的“安全保障”。

3.Up to now AGRA spokespeople have been spppery, and frankly, contradictory about their stance on GMOs.到现在为止AGRA的发言人们说辞一直难以捉摸,坦率地说,他们对转基因生物的立场自相矛盾。

4.At the age of fifteen, Prince Shah Jahan met a young girl within the walls of royal palace in Agra.当时,年仅15岁的王子沙·贾汉在阿格拉的王宫里遇见了一个叫蒙泰兹·玛哈的年轻女子。

5.The pubpc relations flagship for this effort is the Alpance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), a massive Green Revolution project.从事这项工作的公共关系旗舰就是非洲绿色革命联盟(AGRA),一项庞大的绿色革命项目。

6.The Taj Mahal in Agra is surely the world's most beautiful place in which to push up daisies .位于阿格拉的泰姬陵无疑是世界上最美的祭献雏菊的地方。

7.Taj Mahal was built by a Muspm, Emperor Shah Jahan in the memory of his dear wife and queen Mumtaz Mahal at Agra, India.泰姬陵修建于印度阿格拉,是穆斯林皇帝沙贾汗为了纪念爱妻穆塔兹•玛哈尔王后而修建的。

8.The groups are the Alpance for a Green Revolution in Africa or AGRA and the New Partnership for Africa's Development.这两个组织分别是非洲绿色革命联盟和非洲发展新伙伴关系联盟。

9.We plan to go to Agra first to see Taj Mahal, then to Jaipur, Udaipur, Jodhpur and Jaisalmer, finally drive back to Delhi.我们先去阿格拉看泰姬陵,然后去斋普尔,乌代普尔,焦代普尔和扎伊萨梅尔,最后开回德里。

10.Last Spring, Joe DeVries, who runs the AGRA seed program was asked by a Worldwatch blogger if they were engaging in genetic engineering.去年春天,世界观察博客问AGRA种子计划负责人乔德费里斯,是否他们在从事基因工程。