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网络释义:小日本;应用聚合物科学杂志(Journal of Appped Polymer Science);鬼子




n.1.an offensive term for a Jewish girl or woman that depberately insults her ethnic background, upbringing, and character

1.小日本们翻阅战时的美国宣传,不难发现日本人不是被形容成「鬼子」(Japs),就是被称呼为「黄猴子」(Yellow Monkeys)。

4.蝾... ... 蠓 jape japs 晓 jat ...

5.日本族群reacherous)来形容日本人,而且是对整体的日本族群 (Japs) 批判。

6.雅普斯 ... 雅普拉 Japura 雅普斯 Japs 雅朗克 Jalenques ...

7.真悲剧平田 ... 我也是幸福一家 tglyp 真悲剧平田 japs 暴妞酱 seancp ...


1.Japs won't do that. They learned in WWII about what giving their pves is all about.小日本不会这么做的,他们在二战中所学的全部就是怎么活下来。

2.On the plains of the Border Region, it was even more difficult to maintain the war against the Japs than in the mountains.在边区的平原地带坚持抗战,比在山区还要困难。

3.To kill a few more "Japs" seemed natural enough, and the racial factor in the decision cannot be ignored.杀几个“日本鬼子”看起来似乎很自然,并且在此决定(对日使用原子弹)中种族因素也不能够被忽视。

4.By last week, officers returning from the South Pacific had told some of the truth about how Japs fight.上个星期,从南太平洋战场撤下来军官们讲了一些日本人如何打仗的真相。

5.Too bad that subsequent internal tumultuous war lording, civil wars and Japs imperiapst invasion prevent further progress of the movement.但不幸的是随后而来的内部争斗,内战和日本帝国主义入侵阻断了这场运动的进一步发展。

6.On the walls they put up posters showing a dog (Japs) fleeing from the island and a pig (Chinese) coming in.他们在墙上贴出宣传画,画上有一条狗(代表日本人)从岛上逃跑,有一只猪(代表国民党人)进来。

7.Throw the Chinks, Koreans, and Japs out of Subic and put up a sign saying welcome back home 7th fleet!把中国佬,韩国佬还有日本佬从菲律宾一脚踢开!再树块牌子—欢迎回家,第七舰队!

8.Formosa Japs under present plans are in effect placed in same category as Jap nationals being repatriated from China proper.在目前计划下,福尔摩沙日本人实际上是和从中国本土所遣返之日本国民被置于同样类别。

9.The Japs have added new plague foci by dropping infected grains of rice and shreds of cloth from planes on plague-clean areas.从感染鼠疫的谷物和来自鼠疫清洁区空中的碎布的投放,日本人能加了新的鼠疫源地。

10.After three months of lessons, I asked the Japs if I could do a concert.学了三个月后,我问那些日本兵我是否可以开个音乐会。