




1.农业 (absurd 荒唐的+ (agro 农业+ (numismat 钱币+ ...

2.农田 (agro 田地→农业, (agro 农田→农业,- 【vict,vinc 征服,克服】⒈ ...

3.乌克兰国际农业展 ... 意大利国际食品博览会 / TUTTOFOOD 乌克兰国际农业展 / AGRO 波兹南国际食品工业专业博览会 / POLAGRA F…

4.田地 (agri 田地,农田 (agro 田地→农业, (agro 农田→农业,- ...

5.阿果 Thantrue/ 真享 AGRO 阿果 ANTA/ 安踏 ...

6.应该是否为群体怪 ... locationname 地图英文名称 agro 应该是否为群体怪 gfxid 怪物图档编号 ...

7.主动 ... tameable 迷魅 1=可迷 agro 主动 0=被动 candie 判断怪死不死 0=打不死(木人) ...


1.Since roads are generally dreadful, advances in communications, with mobile banking and telephonic agro-info, have been a huge boon.由于非洲的道路状况十分差劲,非洲国家对通讯业进行了提升,手机银行和电话农业信息得到了长足的进步。

2.Steel slag can be converted into high-valued agro-products after steel slag's surplus heat has been used and some modifiers have been added.利用钢渣余热,在添加改性剂后,可使钢渣转化为有较高农用价值的产物。

3.The economists were able to use measures of agro-cpmatic conditions to predict which parts of the world would adopt the plough.经济学家能够用农业气候的测量方法来预测世界上的哪些地区会采用犁耕。

4.The waterlogging disaster is one of the main agro-meteorological disasters during crops growth period in the region of Jianghuai.涝渍灾害是江淮地区农作物生育期间的主要农业气象灾害之一。

5.Modules specific to a sector: agro-apmentary, pharmaceutical management, service companies, management of travel agency, etc. . .属于某种行业的模块,比如:农产品,医药管理,服务公司,旅行社管理,等等…+。

6.It is well emphasized as one of the important problems in academic that agro-eco-environment should be restored and protected.农业生态环境的修复与保护已成为学术界关注的重要课题之一。

7.Article 8 The units or individuals that have made contributions to the work of agro-technical popularization shall be awarded.第八条对在农业技术推广工作中做出贡献的单位和个人,给予奖励。

8.Research Area: Precision Agriculture and Nutrient Management, Agro-Informatics and Sustainable Development, Agroecosystem Management.研究方向:精准农业与养分管理,农业信息学与可持续发展,农业生态系统管理。

9.Crop germplasm resources are a key component of biodiversity, and can serve as a material basis for crop breeding and agro production.农作物种质资源是生物多样性的重要组成部分,是作物育种和农业生产的物质基础。

10.Child labour is increasing in post-harvest processing, transport, marketing and a range of agro-industries.在收获后加工、运输、销售和一系列农业品加工业中,童工现象日益严重。