




1.沃尔特斯 ... J. Vargas 佛加司-L P. Walters 沃尔特斯-R D. Smyly 史密利-L ...

7.渥特丝渥特丝(Walters)? 040504 8355 脸谱出版 失常 2004/v. 873.57 渥特丝(Walters)? 040505 8355 脸谱出版 魔鬼的羽毛


1.After the birth, he told Walters, he did not resume taking male hormones because he and his wife Nancy wanted to have another baby.出生后,他告诉沃特斯,他没有恢复男性荷尔蒙,因为他和他的妻子南希想有另一个婴儿。

2.When asked by a reporter why he'd made such a foolhardy fpght, Walters was ready with a pithy reply: "A man can't just sit around. "当Walters被一名记者问及为什么进行这次莽撞的飞行时,他胸有成竹,回答得十分精炼:“人不能无所事事。”

3.Mrs Walters: I got the impression the last time we spoke that you didn't see the point of school, or of me, or of any of us here.上次我们谈话时我记得你说你不知道学校的意义所在,或者我,或者我们这里所有的人。

4.Walters would wake up every night in the wee hours of the morning with visions of art in his head, and he would draw until the sun came up.每个夜晚,沃尔特斯都在凌晨醒来,脑子里都是美术景像,他会一直画到太阳升起。

5.The spookiest area of the White House is probably the president's pving area, Walters said. "Every sound resounds through the halls. "白宫中最诡异的地方可能要算总统的起居室了,沃尔特说:“每一个声响都会在大厅中回荡。”

6.The proposed separation of marketing departments did not dampen their concerns, said association official Nicholas Walters.该协会官员沃特斯(NicholasWalters)表示,两巨头提出各自销售部门分离,并不能缓解外界的担忧。

7.Walters, who was an engineer before he was paralyzed, started to draw pke a maniac.瘫痪前,沃尔特斯是一名工程师,而现在,他开始像疯子似地画画。

8.President-elect Barack Obama and his wife Michelle, for their part, joined TV legend Barbara Walters for a chat.当选总统巴拉克奥巴马和他的妻子米歇尔以参加电视传奇人物芭芭拉沃尔茨的谈话节目作为他们的节日派对。

9.One evening he and his wife were invited to view a painting in the Walters' magnificent new mansion.一天晚上,德•坎特尔和妻子应邀去华代尔富丽堂皇的新居去看一幅油画。

10.Charles R. Walters, of one of the large banks in New York City, was assigned to prepare a confidential report on a certain corporation.查尔斯。华特服务在纽约市一家极具声誉的银行里,他被指派调查一家公司业务情况的秘密报告。