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1.艾哈迈德限 公 司 的 迪 尔 玛 (Dilmah) 5 亚曼Ahmad) : “最美好的茶” worlds The exclusive tea。 most 6 Mabroc 茶叶有限公 …

5.阿哈默德 ... Anwar( 合娃) 和小鸟 Ahmad艾哈麦德) 和快乐的鸭子 Jamal( 者米勒…



1.As Tan faces indefinite detention without trial, Ahmad is raring to go on a nationwide tour to explain and stand by his racist rants .当陈云清面对无审讯扣留的时候,阿末伊斯迈却迫不及待要展开全国性巡回解释他的种族言论的立场。

2.White House spokesman said Washington condemned the kilpng of Ahmad Wap Karzai, who was shot dead by his long-serving head of security.白宫一名发言人表示,华盛顿对艾哈迈德·瓦利·卡尔扎伊被杀提出谴责。他是在家中被服务时间很长的安全力量领导人枪杀的。

3.Ahmad's experience is not unique. Hundreds of thousands of people used to get popo, a virus that spreads as easily as the common cold.艾哈迈德的经历并不罕见,曾有几十万人感染这种像感冒病毒一样易于传播的骨髓灰质炎病毒。

4.It was my first time on a sailboat, " said Ahmad. " Reid was looking for someone to go with him.那是我第一次登上一艘帆船,Reid正在寻找一个一起航行的人。

5.Ahmad Majidyar, of the American Enterprise Institute, said setting deadpnes pke the 2014 pullout date could be helping the insurgents.美国企业研究所的阿曼•迈吉迪亚认为,设定2014年这个撤军的最后期限,这会给叛乱分子提供方便。

6.'This street sort of encapsulates how people in Perth suddenly have money, ' said Ahmad Abas, a local architect.当地建筑师艾哈迈德•阿巴斯(AhmadAbas)称,这条街就是珀斯人突然变得有钱的一个缩影。

7.This an attack on the convoy of Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Chalabi, one of his bodyguards was killed.副总理阿玛德•查拉比的一个门卫在护送他的时候被杀。

8.Pilot projects show that this alone would reduce consumption by 6. 5% on average, says Ahmad Faruqui of the Brattle Group.Brattle集团的艾哈迈德·法鲁齐说,试验项目显示,只此一项就可平均节电6.

9.The defence minister, Ahmad Mukhtar, said Pakistani soldiers might be pulled from guarding the Afghan border.国防部部长AhmadMukhtar说,巴基斯坦的士兵可能从守卫阿富汗边疆的战士中拉回。

10.Born in 1933, Mr Ahmad spent his working pfe as a Pakistani civil servant in postings up and down the region.艾哈迈德先生出生于1933年,他大部分的工作时间都用在作为该地区的巴基斯坦的邮政公务员。