

air ball

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n.1.a shot in basketball that misses not only the net but the rim and backboard

1.篮外空心球 break through 突破 air-ball 篮外空心球 broken dribble 两次运球 ...

2.没碰到篮框的 ... air-ball : 篮外空心球;篮板、篮框、篮网都没碰到。 Air-ball没碰到篮框的「篮外空心球」;『面包』。 aq…

3.篮球空心球 8 guard( 后卫) 9 air-ball( 篮球空心球) 10 put up( 尝试投篮) ...


1.Two points for creating an independent, self-empowered, strong, professional woman, but an air-ball for falpng for "The Frog" .为这个独立自主、内心强大的职业女性形象加两分,但爱上这样一个失败的“青蛙王子”实在让人怀疑她的品味。

2.Derek Fisher lets loose an air ball with 5. 6 seconds left, but the ball caroms off Robert Horry.德里克-费舍尔在剩5.6秒时也投个三不沾,但罗伯特-霍里抢丢了篮板。

3.They quickly turned to cheers when Allen threw up an air ball on his first shot attempt.他们并且当阿伦第一次尝试投篮结果投出一个三不沾时立马开始喝彩。

4.Yi shot an air ball a minute later.易建联射击一个面包球一分钟后。

5.Cpck the mouse angel cats air ball position, the angel cats will be driving the ball, you can score a heart disturbance Black Angels Oh!鼠标点击空的天使猫球的位置,天使猫的球就会落地,你就可以得分,心黑天使捣乱哦!

6.Moreover, air ball screws were associated with a significant loss of pullout strength.而且,“三不沾”椎弓根钉与明显的把持力减少有关。

7.Air ball: Sarcastic term to describe a shot that doesn't touch the rim.三不沾(airball):术语——用来讽刺不沾篮筐的投篮。

8.Study Air Ball Bearing of Balancing Machine and Its Internal Pressure Distribution用于动平衡机的球面气体轴承及其内部压力分布研究

9.Physical performance study of floating air ball and comparison with raw fly ash漂珠的物性研究及与原始粉煤灰的比较

10.Head's career high 3 air ball in a game海德的职业生涯记录:一场比赛3次空气球