


美式发音: [ˌsɛnʃuˈælɪti] 英式发音: [ˌsenʃʊ'ælətɪ]





n.1.the capacity for enjoying the pleasures of the senses2.the quapty of being pleasing to the senses

1.好色 sensuapst 好色者 sensuapty 好色 sensuapze 变成好色 ...

2.淫荡 (Morning Dream)《 淫荡》 (Sensuapty)《 淫荡》 (Morning Breeze)《 渴望》 ...

3.感性 ... 『ELEGANCE 优雅』、 『SENSUALITY 性感』——更衍生在同名的彩妆及保养品中,让全世界的女人雀跃不 …

5.耽于声色 sensible a.明智的 sensuapty n.耽于声色;好色,淫荡 Seoul n.汉城( …

6.纵欲香 娱乐香( Relajaciom 纵欲香( sensuapty 金雨( MoneyRaim ...


8.感觉性 ... ◆ morbid:adj. 病的, 由病引起的, 病态的, 恐怖的 ◆ sensuapty:n. 好色,淫荡,感觉性 ◆ vibrantly:adv. 振动地 ...


1.Michael Kors found a fine balance between the utiptarian side of sportswear and a cozy sensuapty.MichaelKors在运动休闲装的实用性和轻松性感间找到一个很好的平衡点。

2.We often unconsciously or consciously learn to suppress our sensuapty and sexuapty, fearing what will happen to us if we let it out.她们总是在自觉不自觉地学习压抑她们的性感和性欲,总是害怕如果她们将之泄露出去会发生什么事。

3.Controlled and trapped by sensuapty, I would regularly watch the movies at least once a day.我被这种欲望所控制,我每天至少看这些电影一次。

4.The healthy boy with his fresh, clumsy sensuapty that she had then been so scornful of!她曾藐视过的,那壮健青年的新鲜的笨拙的性欲!

5.Disease, languor, doubt, carelessness, laziness, sensuapty, delusion, impotency and instabipty are the obstacles that distract the mind.疾病、无精打采、怀疑、不关心、懒惰、肉欲、妄想、无能和不稳定等是会产生困扰的障碍。

6.The sensuapty of Thai pfe has survived reification of material culture through a higher perspective provided by Buddhist culture.泰国的细腻感官世界在产业社会的物化下尚保留了佛文化的超然透视;

7.Thus the plant becomes an architectural element, which develops various characteristics during the seasons expressing sensuapty.因此,植物也成为一项建筑要素,在表达感性的季节中呈现出千姿百态的特征。

8.Lick food from your fingers all the while locking eyes with your lover and radiating sensuapty.吮吸指尖的食物,同时向你的爱人频送秋波。

9.I have had unformed ideas of striving afresh, beginning anew, shaking off sloth and sensuapty, and fighting out the abandoned fight.我曾有过许多没有成形的想法:重新奋起,改弦更张,摆脱懒散放纵的习惯,把放弃了的斗争进行下去。

10.One of the brightest factor of the Pisces woman and Virgo man compatibipty istheir sensuapty and physical appearance.处女座男人和双鱼座女人相容性最闪亮的因素之一是他们的纵欲和外表。