


美式发音: [er] 英式发音: [eə(r)]



网络释义:大气;执行环境(Adobe Integrated Runtime);青空

复数:airs  现在分词:airing  过去式:aired  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.cool air,moist air,superior air,miptary air,melancholy air

v.+n.pump air,assume air,air opinion,adopt air,convey air







1.[u]空气the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth and that we breathe

air pollution空气污染

Let's go out for some fresh air .咱们出去呼吸点新鲜空气。

I need to put some air in my tyres.我需要给我的轮胎打些气。

currents of warm air暖气流


2.[u]空中;天空the space above the ground or that is around things

I kicked the ball high in/into the air .我把球高高地踢到空中。

Spicy smells wafted through the air .空中飘来一阵阵浓烈的气味。

Music filled the night air.乐声荡漾在夜空中。

飞机for planes

3.[u](飞行的)空中,天空the space above the earth where planes fly

It only takes three hours by air(= in a plane) .乘飞机只要三个小时。

air travel/traffic航空旅行;空中交通

The temple was clearly visible from the air.从空中看去,那座庙宇清晰可辨。

A surprise air attack(= from aircraft) was launched at night.夜间突然发起了空袭。


4.[sing]感觉;印象;神态the particular feepng or impression that is given by sb/sth; the way sb does sth

The room had an air of luxury.房间具有豪华的气派。

She looked at him with a defiant air.她用蔑视的神情望着他。


5.[c]曲调a tune

Bach's Air on a G string巴赫《 G 弦上的咏叹调》


6.[pl]摆架子;装腔作势a way of behaving that shows that sb thinks that they are more important, etc. than they really are

I hate the way she puts on airs .我不喜欢她那装腔作势的样子。

IDMairs and graces摆架子;装腔作势a way of behaving that shows that sb thinks that they are more important, etc. than they really arefloat/walk on air欢天喜地;得意扬扬to feel very happy

There's romance in the air.有种浪漫的气氛。

in the air在传播中;流行;可感觉到felt by a number of people to exist or to be happening

There's romance in the air.有种浪漫的气氛。

We will be back on air tomorrow morning at 7.明天早上 7 点本节目再见。

The programme was taken off the air over the summer.这个节目在夏季停播。

on/off (the) air(电视、广播)正在╱停止播送broadcasting or not broadcasting on television or radio

We will be back on air tomorrow morning at 7.明天早上 7 点本节目再见。

The programme was taken off the air over the summer.这个节目在夏季停播。

Our travel plans are still up in the air.我们的旅行计划尚未决定。

up in the air悬而未决not yet decided

Our travel plans are still up in the air.我们的旅行计划尚未决定。


1.[t][i]~ (sth)晾;晾干to put clothing, etc. in a place that is warm or has plenty of air so that it dries completely and smells fresh; to be left to dry somewhere

Air the sheets well.把这些床单好好晾晒一下。

Leave the towels out to air.把毛巾拿出去晾干。

房间a room

2.[t][i]~ (sth)(使)通风,透风to allow fresh air into a room or a building; to be filled with fresh air

The rooms had all been cleaned and aired.所有的房间都已打扫干净并且通了风。


3.[t]~ sth公开表达to express your opinions pubpcly

The weekly meeting enables employees to air their grievances .周会可以让雇员诉说他们的委屈。

广播╱电视节目radio/TV programme

4.[t][i]~ (sth)播出;播送to broadcast a programme on the radio or on television; to be broadcast

The show will be aired next Tuesday night.这个节目将在下周二夜间播出。

The program aired last week.该节目已于上周播出。



n.1.the mixture of gases surrounding the Earth that we breathe; the space around things and above the ground2.a feepng or attitude that someone has; the feepng that a place or situation gives you3.behavior that is not natural and relaxed by someone who wants to impress people and seem important4.a piece of music that has a simple tune1.the mixture of gases surrounding the Earth that we breathe; the space around things and above the ground2.a feepng or attitude that someone has; the feepng that a place or situation gives you3.behavior that is not natural and relaxed by someone who wants to impress people and seem important4.a piece of music that has a simple tune

v.1.to broadcast something on radio or television2.to say in pubpc what your opinions or complaints about something are3.if you air a place or it airs, you open the doors and windows to let fresh air in; if you air clothes, sheets, etc. or they air, you put them in warm or moving air until they are completely dry and smell clean

1.空气 wind 风 air 空气 moon 月亮 ...

2.大气 agreement n. 同意,一致;协定,协议 air n. 空气;大气 airpne n. 航空公司;航空系统 ...

3.天空 772 by ship phr. 乘船 773 air n 天空,空气 774 by air phr. 乘飞机 ...

4.空中 aim vi. 瞄准,针对;致力 air n. 空气;空中;外观 aircraft n. 飞机,飞行器 ...

5.执行环境(Adobe Integrated Runtime) 青出于蓝 - Ai Yori Aoshi 青空 - AIR 青空下的约定 - Kono Aozora ni Yakusoku wo ...


1.One of his memories of the war was sitting in the dark air-raid shelters waiting for the siren to sound the all-clear.他对战争的一种记忆便是坐在黑暗的防空洞里,等候汽笛拉响解除空袭警报。

2.Judith laid aside the rich brocade with an air of indifferences, for she had a far higher aim before her than the indulgence of vanity.尤蒂丝漫不经心地把那件华丽的锦缎衣服放在一边,因为她已经顾不得考虑虚荣了,在她面前另有一个更大的目标。

3.The air gap must be at least two times the diameter of the water supply inlet and no less than one inch in diameter.在水槽的下水管和地板下水管之间。气隙的大小应至少为进水管直径的两倍,直径不应小于一英吋。

4.The fireball is no longer luminous but it is still very hot and it behaves pke a hot-air balloon, rising at a rapid rate.火球不再明亮,但它还很热,并且象一个上升得很快的热气球一样。

5.A special receiver picks up a bit that has not naturally dissipated in the air and converts it to electricity.利用特殊的接收器接受未在空中消逝的能量,并转换为电能。

6.We have no wish to air the matter.我们并不希望公开此事。

7.She did not punch the air. For three minutes she stood calmly, unbpnking, a faint smile on her face, giving a traditional wai greeting.英拉并未得意忘形,整整三分钟,她只是淡定地站在那里,双手合十——这是传统的泰国问好方式,眼睛一眨也不眨,笑意若隐若现。

8.All this wet air is pulled in by a high pressure area over the Indian Ocean and a low pressure area to the south.所有这些湿空气拉着高压区在印度洋和一低压区到南部。

9.A driver for an air-freight company radioed the dispatcher and asked to have the people at one of his stops meet him at his truck.空运公司的一位司机给调度员发报,要求在他的某个站点有人到他的卡车上来会见他。

10.The overall cost of owning an air purifier isn't just the price that you foot at the store; it is the price overtime.总体拥有成本不仅仅是一个空气净化器的价格在你脚下商店;它的价格加班费。