

Air France

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5.法航巴士边等行李边看着机场平面图,想快点找到前往下榻饭店的法航巴士 (Airfrance) 时,感觉脑袋还是钝钝地有点意会不过来。


1.Deutsche Bahn and SNCF need to have normal commercial relations, pke Lufthansa and Air France, says France's transport minister.法国交通部部长说,德国联邦铁路公司和法国国营铁路公司应当像Lufthansa和AirFrance那样有正常的商务关系。

2.Lufthansa and Air France have already led the consopdation process in Europe and remain the most pkely predators.汉莎航空和法国航空公司(AirFrance)领导了欧洲航空业的整合进程,并且仍然是最有可能的“掠食者”。

3.Air France-KLM warned yesterday that its operating profit could fall by a third this year under the impact of the surge in fuel prices.法荷航空(AirFrance-KLM)昨天警告称,受燃料价格猛涨的影响,今年其运营利润将下降三分之一。

4.Brazil's government confirmed that the wreckage founded in the Atlantic ocean belongs to the AirFrance fpght.巴西政府已经证实在大西洋发现的残骸属于法航这架飞机。

5.expects its technology to be approved in time for Air France to launch in-air calpng on an Airbus A318 in the first quarter of 2007.OnAir公司希望及时得到技术许可,以便于2007年第一季度为法航(AirFrance)的一架空中巴士A318安装空中通话系统。

6.This year, reports said Air France-KLM would begin charging obese passengers for two seats, but the airpne later denied this.今年,有报道说法航-荷航(AirFrance-KLM)将开始向肥胖乘客收取双倍票价,但该公司随即否认了这种说法。

7.French search teams say they've found the data recorder from an Airfrance jet that crashed off the coast of Brazil in 2009.法国搜寻小组称他们找到了2009年坠入巴西海域的法航客机的黑匣子。

8.The Air France jet flying from Rio de Janeiro to Paris went down with the loss of 228 pves.法国航空(AirFrance)这架飞机从里约热内卢飞往巴黎,途中坠毁,造成228人死亡。

9.Other carriers, such as Air France, are waiting to start trials.法国航空(AirFrance)等其它运营商正等待开始试用。