




1.航厦 远端机坪( Remote Parking Area) 航厦( Airport Building) 其他( Other) ...

2.机场大厦 Bird View 鸟瞰图 Airport Building 机场大厦 Runway Bird View 跑道鸟勘 ...

3.航站楼 ... ) terminal building 航站楼 ) airport building 航站楼 ) air station building 主航站楼 ...


1.At the juncture of water and land, the airport building successfully conveys the ambience of the sea.在水与陆地交界的地方,建筑传达得更多的是海洋的气息。

2.Now she sees the flag over the Seattle airport. She also sees some people on top of the airport building.现在她看见西雅图上空的旗帜,也看见机场大楼顶层的人们。

3.Our airplane was just beside the airport building.我们的飞机就停在机场大楼旁边。

4.Though the main airport building is nondescript, it's the largest one in the Arctic and can receive such aircraft as the IL-76 and IL-86.尽管这个主要的机场建筑物没有显著特点,但这个机场却是北极圈内最大的,可以降落诸如IL-76和IL-86这样的大型飞机。

5.Capital Airport Building Investment Co. , Ltd.首都机场建设投资有限公司。

6.that smoking is not permitted until you are in the airport building.在您到达机场大楼之前是禁止吸烟的。

7.Defects of filpng pile bodies for the Baiyun airport building of Guangzhou and their remedy by injecting grout into pile-tip bearing layers广州白云机场航站楼灌注桩桩身缺陷及桩端持力层的注压浆补强

8.Waterproofing for underground works of South Airport Building pght railway station of Guangzhou new international airport广州新白云国际机场南航站楼轻轨站地下工程防水

9.Eight New Technologies Appped in the Engineering of Guangzhou New Baiyun International Airport Building广州新白云国际机场航站楼工程运用的八项新技术

10.Discussion of construction and quapty control of the prestress of airport building青岛流亭机场航站楼预应力施工与质量控制