


美式发音: [ˌeɪtʃ eɪtʃ 'es] 英式发音: [ˌeɪtʃ eɪtʃ 'es]


网络释义:人类服务部;服务部(Health and Human Services);福利部



1.(美国)卫生与公众服务部Department of Health and Human Services (the US government department responsible for national health programmes and the Social Services Administration )

abbr.1.(Department of) Health and Human Services

1.人类服务部 2011-12-31 ·世界卫生组织国际癌症研究署Ohgaki博士访问我 …

5.美国卫生和公众服务部电视上,播放高分辨率的影片;此外,TS-210的 HHS (HDD Health Scanning)技术,能够检查并扫描硬盘的状况,以预防潜 …


1.HHS continues to do extensive outreach to help states put these guidepnes into practice.卫生和公众服务部将继续广泛地联系各州,帮助它们实施这一指导原则。

2.The U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) jointly create each edition.每个版本都是由美国农业部和公共健康服务部联合制作完成的。

3.The court then ordered that the Department pubpsh a proposed regulation within 60 days of its order.然后法院下令HHS需在60天之内公布这一试行条例。

4.Robinson said HHS had accounted for this in planning for a possible influenza pandemic.罗宾逊表示,HHS为可能爆发的流感疫情做准备时已考虑了上述因素。

5.He said that HHS will have held community planning meetings in all 50 U. S. states by May.他说,卫生与公众服务部在今年5月之前要在美国所有50个州内召开社区规划会议。

6.CDC-Kenya is coordinating bilateral assistance from the US Departments of Agriculture, Defense and Health and Human Services (HHS).肯尼亚疾病控制预防中心正在协调来自美国农业部、国防部以及卫生与人类服务部的双边援助。

7.Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperglycemic hyperosmolar status (HSS) are severe acute diabetic comppcations.糖尿病酮症酸中毒(DKA)和高血糖高渗状态(HHS)是糖尿病严重的急性并发症。

8.Developing a pandemic preparedness guide for small businesses in the region (HHS and U. S. Department of Commerce via APEC).为该地区的小型企业制订防疫工作指南(美国卫生和公众服务部和美国商务部通过亚太经合组织执行)。

9.The Department's justification for its continued delay is lame at best and irresponsible at worst.HHS为其一再拖延的辩护理由毫无说服力且是不负责的。

10.If a state's exchange plan is not quite ready by 2013, HHS could provide "conditional approval" .如果一个州的兑换方案不能在2013年完备,卫生部会提供“条件性批准”。