




1.阿拉米图片社ssage festival)[注1] 图片来源:阿拉美Alamy

3.回复 ... What went wrong 错在何处 Alamy 回复 World economy 世界经济 ...

4.牧靴 ... The call of the wild 自然的召唤 Alamy 牧靴 ...

5.摄影 Photograph:HO/Reuters 摄影: Photograph:Alamy 摄影: Photograph:USGS/EPA 摄 …



1.When a woman in Montana was attacked by a black bear, she threw a courgette at it. Photograph: Alamy.当一个蒙大拿州女人被一只黑熊攻击,她朝它扔小胡瓜。摄影:阿拉米。

2.For example you can design it in a way that it will stretch to any size (any resolution), here is one good example of such website. Alamy.比如说,你可以将网站设计成能够自动适应任何尺寸(或任何分辨率)的网站,

3.Birdsong is the best sound to wake up to in the morning, according to a survey of the nation's favourite alarm tones. Photo: ALAMY一个“全英最受欢迎闹铃”调查显示,在清晨闹铃中,鸟鸣是人们的最爱。

4.Binge drinking doubles the risk of a heart attack when compared with spreading out same amount across the week, research shows. Photo: Alamy研究表明,爱酗酒的人心脏病发作机率是一般人两倍。这种人一次饮酒量超出普通人一周饮酒量。

5.Being able to change a pght bulb is one of the indicators that you are an adult Photo: ALAMY能够自己换灯泡也是你已成人的标志之一图片来自:

6.According to a recent study walking five miles a week may slow the progression of Alzheimer's diseasePhoto: ALAMY根据最近研究结果得知,每周走路五英里就有可能延缓老年痴呆症疾病的发展。

7.The dismal weather has been kind to spiders, at least. Photograph: Alamy至少,阴沉沉的天气一直对蜘蛛很仁慈。摄影:阿拉米(Alamy)有限责任公司

8.Before the BlackBerry: our recent affluence has diluted the old sense of community Photo: ALAMY黑莓出现以前:近代的物质充裕削弱了过去的社区感。

9.Twitter is said to be discussing adding video-tweets. Photo: ALAMY据说Twitter将要加入视频讨论。

10.Perhaps the women's haircuts look pke this Photo: ALAMY也许这个公司女生的发型看上去就像这个一样,图片来自:ALAMY