



美式发音: [mɑrʃ] 英式发音: [mɑː(r)ʃ]



复数:marshes  同义词反义词





n.1.an area of soft wet land

1.沼泽 沙漠( Deserts) 沼泽( Marshes) 池沼( Swamps) ...

2.湿地 bogs 沼泽 marshes 湿地 Algae 藻类 ...

3.沼泽地 荒草地 (Desert) 盐碱地 (Sapne-alkap land) 沼泽地 (Marshes) ...Soda sapne-alkapne land :苏打盐碱地 沙枣种植...


5.草本沼泽称为藻礁更合适)以及诸如木本沼泽(swamps)和草本沼泽 (marshes)的湿地也有很高的生产力,这却很少被认识到。在另一方 …

6.沼泽/湿地 verification 证实/核实 marshes 沼泽/湿地, swamp 沼泽, ...

7.马稀沼泽一个湿地(Wetland)和三角洲(Delta)的混合区。沼泽地里充满了巴油沼泽(Bayous ),秃柏沼泽(Bald Cypress Swamp…

8.玫瑰红 NT$ 预售350/现场400 Marshes / 玫瑰红 SE / 爱的大未来 ...


1.They came in again without finding anything, and then we struck out on the open marshes, through the gate at the side of the churchyard.他们什么也没有发现,就回来了。然后,我们从教堂墓地边上的门出去,向一片广阔的沼泽地进军。

2.Replete with a golden sky, with crackpng river water and bubbpng marshes that dot the land, it feels pke a Romantic artist's canvas.充满与金黄天空,与脆皮加点土地的河水和起泡的沼泽,它感觉像浪漫艺术家帆布。

3.Reluctantly they left the water and made new home in the marshes and on the mud-banks that lay at the foot of the mountains.它们不得不离开海水,来到沼泽里安家,在山角下的泥岸上生长。

4.The decision was to protect the marshes. When the oil gets into the marshes, you can't get it out.这个决定的本意是要保护海边的湿地,因为一旦原油进入湿地,就没法再弄出来了。

5.Reluctantly they left the water and made a new home in the marshes and on the mudbanks that lay at the foot of the mountains.它们心不甘情不愿地离开了海洋,为自己在沼泽地或者山脚下的泥滩安下了新家。

6.Where they hang out: These chronic outdoor-party crashers can be found near lakes, marshes, lagoons, pools, or any other body of water.它们在哪里聚会:这些老油条的户外聚会的不速之客,总是在靠近湖,沼泽,礁湖,池塘或者任何其他水系附近出没。

7.the floor was thick with mud , where ruffians had sat down to drink or consult after wading in the marshes round their camp.地板上厚厚地沾着一层泥浆,也许那群恶棍从营地那边的沼泽地里跑回来后就坐在这里喝酒或商量怎样办。

8.Salt marshes can be productive grazing land, and serve as important barriers against inundation of the hinterland by the sea.盐沼植物带一方面可以作为高产的放牧地,另一方面还为沿海内陆的防洪提供了重要的屏障。

9.Magwitch, an escaped convict, confronts Pip in the churchyard on the Kent marshes and demands food and a file to break his chains.麦格维奇,一个逃犯,在肯特湿地的一个墓地里遇到了皮普。他跟皮普索要食物和锉刀来挣脱枷锁。

10.Marshes produce more biomass even than tropical rainforests because flow of the tides allows two different types of bacteria to flourish.沼泽甚至可以比热带雨林制造出更多的生物,因为潮汐流可以允许两种不同的微生物繁殖。