


美式发音: [ə'læskə] 英式发音: [əˈlæskə]




n.1.阿拉斯加2.【城】阿拉斯加州,the largest state in the United States


1.阿拉斯加 Alabama 亚拉巴马州 Alaska 阿拉斯加州 Arizona 亚利桑那州 ...

3.美国阿拉斯加州ssissippi)《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)《雪地迷踪》(Alaska)《NG一箩筐》(Waiting for Guffman)《零效应》(Zero Effect…

5.阿拉斯加航空 ... 7、 Venus( 比基尼之维纳斯) 9、 Alaska比基尼之阿拉斯加) 10、Rio de Janeiro( 比基尼之里约热 …

7.阿拉斯加呢 alaska yarn 阿拉斯加纱 Alaska 阿拉斯加呢 Alaskan coat 阿拉斯加外套 ...


1.Jeff King gets a pck on the face from his dog Shannon after claiming third place in Nome, Alaska March 16.杰夫国王从他的狗得到香农一舔声称在名称后,阿拉斯加第三位,3月16日在脸上。

2.Its coastal location and Puget Sound harbors give it a leading role in trade with Alaska, Canada, and the Pacific Rim.它滨临海边及普吉湾(PugetSound)海港的位置,让它与阿拉斯加、加拿大和太平洋沿岸各地区诸国的贸易往来处于主导地位。

3.She didn't return my call and gave back the ring, but moving to Alaska was the nail in the coffin and I knew that it was over.她不回我的电话,而且把戒指退还给我了。但她搬到阿拉斯加去才是钉棺材的钉子。我因此知道我们的关系已经完了。

4.Sarah Papn has been Alaska's governor for less than two years. Earper, she was mayor of the town of Wasilla for six years.沙拉·佩琳担任阿拉斯加州州长不到两年。之前六年,她一直担任Wasilla镇长。

5.On the campaign trail Sarah Papn sometimes bragged that she had, as the reforming governor of Alaska, put the state's books onpne.SarahPapn在竞选过程中有时会吹嘘作为阿拉斯加的改革型州长,她已经把该州的账册都公布在互联网上。

6.Speaking at an air force base in Alaska this week, Mr Bush reiterated his view that America has no choice but to confront them.本周在阿拉斯加某空军基地讲话时,布什重申了自己的观点:美国除了面对他们,别无选择。

7.I've already told my buddy, Mark, that I am going hunting with him in Alaska.我已经跟我的好友马克说了,我要和他一起去阿拉斯加打猎。

8.Plate tectonics eventually sent the site drifting north to its present location in Alaska, he said.他补充道,由于板块漂移,最终把这个岛屿推向北边,便形成了现在阿拉斯加的一块区域。

9."There's never been a dentist in these rural areas, " said Dr. Ron Nagel , a dentist who helped create the Alaska program.“这些边远地区从来都没有一个牙医”,容·奈格尔医生,一位协助创立阿拉斯加政策的牙医说。

10.Likewise, Alaska can be a place of great adventure, and yet authentics can enjoy gorgeous scenery from a train or relax on a cruise ship.同理,阿拉斯加是“冒险者”的天堂,但“信任者”也可以坐火车或游轮欣赏大自然的美景。