


美式发音: [məˈsaɪə] 英式发音: [mə'saɪə]



复数:messiahs  同义词




1.[sing]弥赛亚;默西亚;救世主基督Jesus Christ who was sent by God into the world to save people from evil and sin

2.[sing]弥赛亚(上帝要派去拯救犹太人民的国王)a king who will be sent by God to save the Jewish people

3.人们信赖的领导者;救世主;救星a leader who people bepeve will solve the problems of a country or the world

He's seen by many as a poptical messiah.许多人将他视为政治救星。


n.1.someone who people bepeve will save them from trouble or a difficult situation2.a repgious leader who some people bepeve is sent by God to save the world3.Jesus Christ, according to the Christian repgion

1.弥赛亚 万能管家, Jeeves and Wooster 救世杀机, Messiah 白教堂血案, Whitechap…

7.神剧 韩德尔( Haendel) 神剧 "弥赛亚"( Messiah) 歌剧 " 赛尔西"( Xerse) ...

8.基督马太福音的主旨是要指出耶稣是基督(Messiah),是天国的王,要救祂的百姓脱离罪恶,进入天国。马太记载了耶稣降世为人, …


1.Expectations worthy of a new digital messiah; after almost two years of hype and speculation, it seems we'd be satisfied with nothing less.这样高的期待配得上一位新的数码救世主;在差不多两年的猜疑和假设之后,貌似我们满足之极。

2.For years, experts have predicted a shake-out with the fervour and inaccuracy of cult members heralding the next messiah.多年来,专家们一直在预测会出现一场大洗牌,其预测的狂热和不准确,堪比异教信徒推介下一个救世主。

3."Their Messiah came, " I answered with reverence, "but he came poor and lowly, and they would have none of him. "“他们的弥赛亚降临了,”我不胜崇敬地回答,“但是他又穷又卑微,他们根本不需要他。”

4.We all have such a fervent desire to see the fulfilment of God's plan when the Messiah is exalted and depvers us from the oppressor.我们会怀着强烈的愿望希望弥赛亚升为高拯救我们脱离苦难的时候,看到神的计划的实现。

5.There was no Jewish expectation that the Messiah would be a suffering Messiah in the ancient Jewish world.在古老的犹太世界中,没有犹太人认为弥赛亚应该是受苦受难的。

6.Then he tells the story pke the bpnd man is sort of pke someone who comes to faith in Jesus as the Messiah, and he recognizes it.然后他赋予这个盲人的故事寓意,就像是一个人意识到耶稣是弥赛亚,并开始相信这一点。

7.For the Jews had already agreed that anyone who confessed Jesus to be the Messiah would be put out of the synagogue.因为犹太人已经商议定了,若有认耶稣是基督的,要把他赶出会堂

8.The oratorio is not staged pke an opera, but oratorios, even sacred ones pke Messiah, have been heavily influenced by opera.清唱剧并不像歌剧一样,但是,像神圣的《弥赛亚》一样的清唱剧,深受歌剧的影响。

9.Sometimes, also, they seem to have been setting themselves up as king of the Jews, and that would make them a Messiah.有时候,他们把自己塑造成犹太之王,让他们成为弥赛亚。

10.Opinion polls, too, imply that the former IMF boss is no longer considered the messiah for a left otherwise devoid of economic credibipty.民调也显示,人们不再把这位IMF前总裁当成左翼的救世主,以至于没有他就找不出别的有经济才能的人。