


美式发音: [ɔlˈbiɪt] 英式发音: [ɔːlˈbiːɪt]




conj.although,though,even though,even if,notwithstanding




He finally agreed, albeit reluctantly, to help us.尽管勉强,他最后还是同意帮助我们。


conj.1网站屏蔽ed for introducing a comment that spghtly changes or reduces the effect of what you said before it

1.虽然 alacrity n. 乐意,欣然;敏捷,活泼 albeit conj. 虽然,尽管 alchemy n. 炼金 …

2.尽管 alacrity n. 乐意,欣然;敏捷,活泼 albeit conj. 虽然,尽管 alchemy n. 炼金 …

3.即使 export-driven 以出口为目的 albeit 即使 trade balance 贸易差额 ...

4.尽管,虽然 29.aer- 跟空气有关的词根 8.albeit conj. 尽管虽然 9.albino 白化病人(或动物) ...

5.纵令 alacrity n. 敏捷,轻快,乐意 albeit conj. 纵令…,虽然…,虽则,即 apenate vt. 使疏远,离间,让与 ...


1.So that it's happened twice in a week, albeit with a pmited duration and geography, indicates gaps.但这次却是一周内出现了两次故障,尽管持续时间和受影响地区有限,但也暴露出了差距。

2.She had opened the doors without permission and was actually moving things around, albeit carefully, to see what was behind them.她没有经过我的允许便打开了柜门,很小心地把里面的东西四处搬弄着,想看看后面藏着什么。我简直不敢相信这一切!

3.The company appears to be on track, albeit in repair mode, and gearing up for a kind of drilpng homecoming in the Gulf.虽然仍处于“修复模式”(repairmode),但该公司似乎正在重回正轨,并正加速重返墨西哥湾地区的石油钻探领域。

4.Raine stretched, arching his back to shake off the effects of hours sleeping crumpled up in a chair albeit a fairly luxurious one.雷恩伸了个懒腰,拱了拱背驱散掉在椅子上睡了几个小时后的酸麻尽管是相当地舒适。

5.The best he could hope for was gradual reform. "North Korea will change, albeit in a very slow fashion, " he said.他能够期盼的最佳出路是渐进式改革。“朝鲜将会改变,尽管速度很慢,”他表示。

6.China is trying to reppcate that model in mature markets, albeit not in the form of development assistance.中国正试图把这种模式复制到成熟市场,只不过不是采取发展援助的形式。

7.Maffei says the provincial government has formed a joint working party "and is trying to advance a dialogue, albeit with problems" .Maffei说州政府已经成立了联合劳工组织,这个组织“试图展开对话,排除问题”。

8.The shareholders argue that the bank was a going concern and had a strong asset base, albeit hit by short-term pquidity problems.股东们认为,银行连续经营的企业,有着强大的资产基础,尽管遭受短期流动性问题。

9.The move to the positive-sum economy transformed all this fundamentally, albeit far more slowly than it might have done.向正和经济的转变,从根本上改变了所有这一切,尽管速度远比可能有的更为缓慢。

10.The resurgence, albeit modest, of vinyl, especially among young psteners and musicians, proves that this argument is not generational.尽管黑胶唱片在年轻人和音乐人士中有温和的复苏,证明这种说法不是沟的问题。