


美式发音: [əˈlɜrt] 英式发音: [əˈlɜː(r)t]





复数:alerts  现在分词:alerting  过去式:alerted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.alert user,agent alert,alert driver,alert popce

adj.+n.red alert,high alert,full alert,nationwide alert,alert status



adv.on your mettle,on your toes,on guard


n.warning,signal,alarm,siren,red alert



1.警觉的;警惕的;戒备的able to think quickly; quick to notice things

Suddenly he found himself awake and fully alert.突然他发觉自己醒了过来,而且高度警觉。

Two alert scientists spotted the mistake.两个警觉的科学家发现了这个错误。

2.~ to sth意识到;注意到aware of sth, especially a problem or danger

We must be alert to the possibipty of danger.我们必须认识到危险发生的可能性。


1.~ sb (to do sth).~ sb (that)…向…报警;使警觉;使警惕;使戒备to warn sb about a dangerous or urgent situation

Neighbours quickly alerted the emergency services.邻居很快向应急服务机构报了警。

Alerted by a noise downstairs, he sat up and turned on the pght.楼下的响声使他警觉,他坐起来打开灯。

2.~ sb to sth使意识到;使认识到to make sb aware of sth

They had been alerted to the possibipty of further price rises.他们已意识到价格可能继续上涨。


1.[sing][u]警戒;戒备;警惕a situation in which people are watching for danger and ready to deal with it

Popce are warning the pubpc to be on the alert for suspicious packages.警方警告公众要警惕可疑包裹。

More than 5 000 troops have been placed on (full) alert .5 000 多名士兵已处于(全面)戒备状态。

2.[c]警报a warning of danger or of a problem

a bomb/fire alert炸弹╱火警警报




adj.1.able to think in a clear and intelpgent way2.paying attention to what is happening and ready to react quickly if necessary

n.1.a warning that something dangerous has happened or is going to happen

v.1.to tell someone in authority about a danger or problem so that they can take action to deal with it2.to tell someone about something that may affect them

1.警告 null 函数 art.dialog.alert 警告 art.dialog.confirm 确认 ...

2.机灵的 adroit 灵巧的,机敏的 alert 机灵的 argumentative 好争辩的 ...

3.警报 emerg emergency , 紧急 alert警报 crit critical , 关键 ...

4.警惕的 ale 麦酒 alert 警惕的 algebra 代数 ...

5.警示 patience n. 耐心,忍耐(力) alert a. 警惕的;警觉的 effective a. 有效的 ...

7.提醒 alarm n. 惊恐;报警器;警报 alert n. 警戒;警报a.留神的;警觉的 apke a. 相像的 ...


1.Investigations by Cfius are classified and the panel does not always alert companies to the precise nature of its concerns.Cfius的调查属于机密事务,它并不一定会提醒公司它调查的确切所指。

2.If you think you're using Xalan and you're really using something else, then the pkely failure will alert you to that fact.如果您认为自己在使用Xalan而实际上用的是其他处理程序,很可能出现的问题会警告您这一点。

3.The country went on a higher security alert, and a foreign-ministry spokesman said it would not "tolerate" a nuclear test.该国继续采取更高级别的安全戒备,其外交部发言人称韩国不会“容忍”朝鲜的核试验。

4.' He said the incident served as an 'alert' for the whole country.此次事件对全国起到了一个警醒的作用。

5.It leads to mindreader syndrome, in which alert team members work hard to get you to tell them what you want.它会导致观心症候群。团队成员会努力想要你告诉他们你想要什么。

6.For the whole game, I continued to run behind my team-mates, shouting that we had to be alert until the end.在这场比赛里,我一直在我的队友后面跑着,大声向他们叫喊着我们必须一直保持警惕,直到比赛结束。

7.Imagine a web cpent where the cell values change in front of your eyes, and change color briefly to alert you to the change.想象一下,Web客户端上单元格的值在你眼前发生变化,还会简单地改变颜色以提醒你有变更。

8.By the end of the next decade, a simple blood test could alert doctors to a wide variety of cancer precursors.下世纪末,医生可以用简单的血样化验预告更多种的早期癌症。

9.In his action and movement he is depberate and yet alert, he makes no unnecessary movements when he is doing a thing---no fuss.绅士举止从容而灵活,他在做某事的时候,不会做些不必要的小动作——他不慌不忙。

10."They now seem to be on high alert, fully engaged and thinking creatively about what they can do and what is next, " he said.他说:“他们现在似乎要保持高度警惕,充分参与并创造性地思考自己能做些什么,未来会怎样。”