


网络释义:奥蒂;Object Technology International;奥蒂省


1.奥蒂ppse的核心团队来自于它在1996年收购的公司Object Technology International(OTI),OTI开发了Smalltalk和Java的集成开发 …



1.There's a separate news feed and a Planet Orion blog aggregator, as well as a twitter account @orion_oti.此外还有一个新闻feed和PlanetOrion博客聚合以及名为@orion_oti的twitter帐号。

2.OTI programs often are initiated in fragile states that have not reached the stabipty needed to initiate longer-term development programs.尔奥蒂计划往往是脆弱的发起国,还没有达到稳定的需要开展的长期发展计划。

3.Gamma currently is an IBM Distinguished Engineer at IBM's Object Technology International (OTI) lab in Zurich, Switzerland.Gamma目前是IBM对象技术国际实验室(OTI)的杰出工程师,该实验室位于瑞士的苏黎世。

4.This document represents practical experience and methodologies that were accumulated by OTI over many years of work.这份资料描述在多年的工作上OTI积累了的实际经验和方法学。

5.OTI strategies and programs are developed and designed to meet the unique needs of each situation.尔奥蒂战略和计划的制定和设计,以满足特殊需求的每一种情况。

6.First, OTI specifically encouraged a culture of risk-taking, poptical orientation, and swift response among its staff and partners.首先,尔奥蒂特别鼓励文化的冒险精神,政治方向,并迅速做出反应之间的工作人员和合作伙伴。

7.The OTI team had extensive experience building several generations of IDEs with small, highly skilled teams.OTI团队是有着非常广泛的高度熟练的团队,并具有完成几代集成开发环境的经验。

8.Mr Weathers: That's Mr Oti. He's an acquaintance of an acquaintance of mine.那是Oti先生,他是我一个熟人的熟人。——《返老还童》

9.OTI programs are short-term -- typically, two to three years in duration.尔奥蒂程序是短期-通常情况下,两到三年的时间。

10.Oti: Plenty times you be alone. You different people pke us, it's gonna be that.大部分时间你是孤独的。你是个与众不同的人,你的生活也注定如此。