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n.1.a photosynthetic organism of a group that pves mainly in water and includes the seaweeds.

1.藻类 Alfur 土著 alga 藻类 algae 藻类 ...

2.海藻 ague n. 疟疾; 寒颤 alga n. 水藻, 海藻 alleviate v. 减轻(痛苦) , 缓和 ...

3.水藻 ague n. 疟疾; 寒颤 alga n. 水藻, 海藻 alleviate v. 减轻(痛苦) , 缓和 ...

4.海藻类 alcohol 醇;乙醇+ alga 藻类(单)n alginate 藻酸盐# ...

6.海藻酒店 ALEXANDER 亚历山大酒店 ALGA 海藻酒店 AMADEUS 艾玛迪斯酒店 ...

7.中华海藻 ... 核桃小女子 Walnut seeds 中华海藻 Alga 味付八爪鱼 As well as Cuttlefish ...


1.That elm-shaded pond, Not pke a clear spring, But a rainbow in the sky; Ripples among float alga, With rosy dreams settled.那榆荫下的一潭,不是清泉,是天上虹;揉碎在浮藻间,沉淀着彩虹似的梦。

2.A form of ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION in which the plant or alga breaks into fragments, each fragment growing into a new, independent plant.植物体或藻类断裂成小片段,每一部分又可长成一个新的、独立的植物体。更详细。

3.the composition and biomass of them were studied , and the ecological distribution sections of every alga were summarized.分析了各地区春季不同月份藻类的种群结构和平均生物量变化,总结了各藻的生态分布区域。

4.The alga can be used for measuring the environment as the ideal instruction pving beings.这些藻类可以作为理想的指示生物,用来检测环境。

5.In four seasons, the abundantest alga species composition and biomass occurring in summer, the next was winter, the least was autumn.一年四季中又以夏季的海藻群落构成最丰富,生物量最大,冬季次之,秋季最少。

6.There was a great variety of vitamins and mineral substance trace elements of high content in spiral alga.螺旋藻所含的维生素及矿物质微量元素不仅种类齐全,而且含量较高;

7."It makes a cut in the alga, sucks out the cytoplasm [the material inside the alga] and digests most of it, " explains Manhart.海蛞蝓先在绿藻上切一个口,然后吸出细胞质(绿藻细胞的内含物),消化其中的大部。

8.The town is the centre of a black-market trade in facai, a species of alga whose name is spelt and pronounced similarly to 'get rich'.这座城镇是一个发菜黑市交易的中心。发菜是一种藻类,在汉语里它的写法和发音类似于“发财”。

9.Submerged UV-C technology would be engineered as an alga-kilpng apparatus in the water works.设计了一种浸没式UV-C装置,用于自来水厂斜管沉淀池的抑藻、除藻。

10.The mosses Funaria hygrometrica and Physcomitrella patens have also been used as models, as has the marine alga Fucusserratus.藓类植物葫芦藓和展叶剑叶藓及墨角藻也用作模式植物。