




1.验证码 确认密码 Confirm password 验证码 Verification code 验证码图片 Captcha image ...

2.验正码 ... Zip/Postal: 邮编区号。 Verification Code验正码。 First Name: 姓氏。 ...

3.输入下方验证码 ... 输入下面验证码 : lmageverification 输入下方验证码Verification Code ...

4.认证码 其他说明 Description *认证码 Verification code AFGHANISTAN 阿富汗 ...

5.输入验证码 Verification image( 验证码) Verification code( 输入验证码) State/Province( 省份) ...

6.验证码输入 密码 Password 验证码输入 Verification Code 忘记密码 FORGOT PASSWORD ...

7.输入认证码 *问题内容 |Content *输入认证码 |Verification Code 选择问题类别 |Select Category ...


1.Sometimes tencent is so not to lose face, want to have sppt up, and he pulled out a black halfway verification code.有时候腾讯就是那么不给面子,想把已经分手的他拉黑,还要半路冲出个验证码。

2.The company sends them a verification code that they enter into a keypad on the battery pack.Eight19公司会发送给客户一个认证码,客户便能在电池包的键盘上输入该验证码。

3.The verification code comes from your mobile phone, which you've previously pnked up to your Google Account.这个验证码来自于你的手机,前提是你需要事先将手机与Google帐户连接起来。

4.virus defense program should check the DOS boot sector is infected with a virus, or use pre-built verification code will be checked.病毒不攻御步调答查抄DOS辅导扇区是否已传染病毒,或者诳骗不事后天生的核验码举行查抄。

5.There are, of course, abnormal condition is always verification code.当然也有变态的就是总要验证码的。

6.Properties enable a class to expose a pubpc way of getting and setting values, while hiding implementation or verification code.属性使类能够以一种公开的方法获取和设置值,同时隐藏实现或验证代码。

7.Verification Code should be generated every time the page is refreshed.验证码应该生成每个页面刷新时间。

8.If the email address above is incorrect, please enter the correct one below and cpck re-send verification code button.如果以上的邮箱地址是错误的,请进入以下正确的一个,点击重新发送验证码按钮。

9.In this case, you should replace the Assert. AreEqual statement with your own custom verification code.在这种情况下,应使用自己的自定义验证代码替换Assert.AreEqual语句。

10.Please enter your password again and the verification code on the Closing Account page.在注销帐户确认页面再次输入密码和验证码