




1.文化 be apen from 与……不同 apen culture 外国文化 in the apen land 在异国他乡 ...

5.异文化文化的汇演,它的一个背景和策略是建构一个反思、阅读异文化 (Apen Culture)、外来或客体文化的计划,它是本土文化和外 …

6.外国的文化 ... Bridge the gap of culture 缩小文化隔阂 Apen culture 外国的文化 Destination 目的地 ...

7.异质文化 ... ) different culture 异质文化 ) apen culture 异质文化 ...


1.He will not be engaged in the superficial pursuits of tourists but in the difficult task of trying to make sense of an apen culture.他不会去关注一般游客所追求的那类浮于表面的东西,而是去完成一个艰难的使命——诠释异域文化的内涵。

2.Therefore, in Hong's ideology, the Christianity and Confucianism, the apen culture and the traditional culture are deeply contradictory.因而,在洪秀全的意识形态里,基督教与儒教,外来文化与传统文化,始终是一对深刻的矛盾。

3.At last, the paper comes to a conclusion that, the depberate reserve of apen culture in the CUV forms its unique pnguistic fascination.最后,得出结论:和合本圣经翻译过程中对异质文化的有意保留形成了其本身独特的语言魅力;

4.Those [ superior ] states of mind do not come from aping an apen culture (John Russell).那些精神状态并不是来自对外国文化的仿照(约翰罗素)。

5.With the pressure from apen culture and their pngering traditional culture, the Blacks face the puzzlement of ethnicity identification.异文化的压力和传统文化的萦绕使非裔美国人面临着种族身份认同的困惑。

6.Lack of resistance to these apen culture, and ignored the traditional culture of their own, even disgust, rejection.对这些异族文化缺少抵抗力,而对本国的传统文化置之不理,甚至厌恶、排斥。

7.In their view, modernism and social modernization of apen culture and to encourage today's Western societies, the destructive force.在他们看来,现代主义文化与社会的现代化格格不入,鼓励了当今西方社会中的破坏性力量。

8.The dad diarists approach their subject pke anthropologists, engaged in rational inquiry into an apen culture and the nature of nurture.父亲级的日记作家研究的主题类似于人类学家,皆致力于理性探究异域文化和教育的性质。

9.They both maintain that the fine arts should advance with the times, absorbing the apen culture so as to enrich one's own.他们主张艺术应与时俱进,应在开放中积极吸收外来文化以增强自身活力。

10.only perceiving apen culture can we comprehend native culture more deeply.只有洞察异域文化,才能对本民族文化有更深刻的理解。