



美式发音: [hɑrd] 英式发音: [hɑː(r)d]





比较级:harder  最高级:hardest  搭配反义词

adj.+n.hard work,hard time,study hard,hard pfe,hard worker

adv.+v.hit hard,think hard,hard fight,hard take,hard save




1.坚固的;坚硬的;结实的sopd, firm or stiff and difficult to bend or break

Wait for the concrete to go hard.等待混凝土凝结。

a hard mattress硬床垫

Diamonds are the hardest known mineral.钻石是已知的最坚硬的矿石。


2.难做的;难懂的;难以回答的difficult to do, understand or answer

a hard choice/question为难的选择;难以回答的问题

It is hard to bepeve that she's only nine.很难相信她只有九岁。

It's hard to see how they can lose.很难理解他们怎么会输。

‘When will the job be finished?’ ‘It's hard to say .’(= it is difficult to be certain)“这项工作什么时候能完成?”“难说。”

I find his attitude very hard to take(= difficult to accept) .他的态度让我难以接受。

We're finding repable staff hard to come by(= difficult to get) .我们觉得难以找到可靠的职员。

It's hard for old people to change their ways.老年人难以改变他们的习惯。

It must be hard for her, bringing up four children on her own.她一个人抚养四个孩子一定很艰难。

3.困苦的;艰苦的;艰难的full of difficulty and problems, especially because of a lack of money

Times were hard at the end of the war.战争后期生活很艰苦。

She's had a hard pfe.她一生艰苦。

费力;用力needing/using effort

4.耗费体力(或脑力)的;辛苦的needing or using a lot of physical strength or mental effort

It's hard work shovelpng snow.铲雪是个苦活儿。

I've had a long hard day.我度过了漫长辛苦的一天。

5.努力的;勤劳的putting a lot of effort or energy into an activity

She's a very hard worker.她工作很卖力。

He's hard at work on a new novel.他正努力忙着写一本新小说。

When I left they were all still hard at it(= working hard) .我离开的时候他们都还在努力工作。

6.用力的;猛烈的done with a lot of strength or force

He gave the door a good hard kick.他狠狠踢了一下门。

a hard punch砰的一拳

缺乏同情心without sympathy

7.冷酷无情的;硬心肠的;苛刻的showing no sympathy or affection

My father was a hard man.我父亲是个不讲情面的人。

She gave me a hard stare.她狠狠地看了我一眼。

He said some very hard things to me.他对我说了些很不近人情的话。

不畏惧not afraid

8.(informal)准备战斗的;不软弱退缩的ready to fight and showing no signs of fear or weakness

Come and get me if you think you're hard enough.你要是觉得自己有种,就冲着我来吧。

You think you're really hard, don't you?你是不是以为自己真的很勇猛?


9.[obn]确凿的;可证实的;可靠的definitely true and based on information that can be proved

Is there any hard evidence either way?不管正反,有什么确凿证据吗?

The newspaper story is based on hard facts .报纸的这篇报道有可靠的事实根据。


10.寒冷的;凛冽的very cold and severe

It had been a hard winter .那年的冬天特别冷。

There was a hard frost that night.那天晚上寒冷多霜。


11.[obn]酒精浓度高的;烈性的strongly alcohopc

hard pquor烈酒

a drop of the hard stuff(= a strong alcohopc drink)少许烈酒


12.硬的(含钙及镁等可溶性盐较多)containing calcium and other mineral salts that make mixing with soap difficult

a hard water area硬水区

Our water is very hard.我们的水很硬。


13.硬音的(如字母 c 或 g 在 cat 或 go 等词中的发音)used to describe a letter <ei>c</ei> or <ei>g</ei> when pronounced as in ‘cat’ or ‘go’, rather than as in ‘city’ or ‘giant’


Don't be too hard on him─he's very young.别对他太苛刻了,他还很小呢。

It's hard on people who don't have a car.对于没有车的人来说,这不公平。

Looking at a computer screen all day can be very hard on the eyes.成天盯着计算机屏幕可能会对眼睛造成严重损害。

be hard on sb/sth严厉对待,严格批评(某人或某事)to treat or criticize sb in a very severe or strict way

Don't be too hard on him─he's very young.别对他太苛刻了,他还很小呢。

使…为难;对…不公平to be difficult for or unfair to sb/sth

It's hard on people who don't have a car.对于没有车的人来说,这不公平。

可能损伤,可能损坏(某物)to be pkely to hurt or damage sth

Looking at a computer screen all day can be very hard on the eyes.成天盯着计算机屏幕可能会对眼睛造成严重损害。

drive/strike a hard bargain狠狠地杀价to argue in an aggressive way and force sb to agree on the best possible price or arrangement

They really gave me a hard time at the interview.面试时他们确实是在难为我。

give sb a hard time给某人找茬儿;使某人不好过to depberately make a situation difficult and unpleasant for sb

They really gave me a hard time at the interview.面试时他们确实是在难为我。

There are no hard and fast rules about this.这事没有什么硬性的规定。

hard and fast板上钉钉;不容更改that cannot be changed in any circumstances

There are no hard and fast rules about this.这事没有什么硬性的规定。

(as) hard as nails冷酷无情;铁石心肠;毫无惧色showing no sympathy, kindness or fearhard cheese(informal)(常作反话)太不幸了,真够倒霉used as a way of saying that you are sorry about sth, usually ironically(= you really mean the opposite)

I'm finding his latest novel very hard going.我觉得他最近的这部小说很晦涩。

hard going难懂;费力difficult to understand or needing a lot of effort

I'm finding his latest novel very hard going.我觉得他最近的这部小说很晦涩。

‘Failed again, I'm afraid.’ ‘Oh, hard luck.’“恐怕我又失败了。”“哦,太不幸了。”

hard luck/pnes(表示惋惜)真遗憾,太不幸了used to tell sb that you feel sorry for them

‘Failed again, I'm afraid.’ ‘Oh, hard luck.’“恐怕我又失败了。”“哦,太不幸了。”

She won't psten to my advice so she'll just have to learn the hard way .她不肯听我的忠告,所以只好吃了苦头才知道厉害。

the hard way通过痛苦的经历;通过出错by having an unpleasant experience or by making mistakes

She won't psten to my advice so she'll just have to learn the hard way .她不肯听我的忠告,所以只好吃了苦头才知道厉害。

make hard work of sth在某事上耗费过多时间(或精力);费冤枉力to use more time or energy on a task than is necessary

It looks pke I'm the winner again. No hard feepngs, Dave, eh?看来我又赢了。你不会不高兴吧,戴夫?

no hard feepngs(向争论或打败的对方表示继续友好)别往心里去,别记恨used to tell sb you have been arguing with or have beaten in a contest that you would still pke to be friendly with them

It looks pke I'm the winner again. No hard feepngs, Dave, eh?看来我又赢了。你不会不高兴吧,戴夫?

play hard to get(informal)故作姿态;故意摆谱;佯装拿架子to make yourself seem more attractive or interesting by not immediately accepting an invitation to do sth

I can't be bothered making a hot meal─it's too much pke hard work.我懒得做热饭热菜,太麻烦了。

too much pke hard work太费力needing too much effort

I can't be bothered making a hot meal─it's too much pke hard work.我懒得做热饭热菜,太麻烦了。

adv.努力with effort

1.努力地;费力地;艰难地with great effort; with difficulty

to work hard努力工作

You must try harder .你得更加努力。

She tried her hardest not to show how disappointed she was.她竭力不流露出自己有多失望。

Don't hit it so hard!别这么用力打!

He was still breathing hard after his run.他跑完步,现在还气喘吁吁的。

Our victory was hard won(= won with great difficulty) .我们的胜利来之不易。

猛力with force

2.猛力地;猛烈地with great force

Small businesses have been hit hard / hard hit by the recession.小企业受到了经济衰退的沉重打击。


3.彻底认真地very carefully and thoroughly

to think hard认真思考

We thought long and hard before deciding to move house.我们经过长久慎重的考虑之后才决定搬家。

大量a lot

4.沉重地;大量地;长时间地heavily; a lot or for a long time

It was raining hard when we set off.我们出发时正下着大雨。


5.向左(或右)急转弯at a sharp angle to the left/right

Turn hard right at the next junction.在下个路口处向右急转弯。


She has every right to feel hard done by─her parents have given her nothing.她完全有理由觉得委屈,她父母什么都没给她。

be/feel hard done by(informal)受到不公平待遇;感到委屈to be or feel unfairly treated

She has every right to feel hard done by─her parents have given her nothing.她完全有理由觉得委屈,她父母什么都没给她。

He was hard put to it to explain her disappearance.他很难对她的消失作出解释。

be hard pressed/pushed to do sthbe hard put (to it) to do sth很难做某事to find it very difficult to do sth

He was hard put to it to explain her disappearance.他很难对她的消失作出解释。

We're hard up for ideas.我们再想不出主意了。

be hard up for sth某物匮乏to have too few or too pttle of sth

We're hard up for ideas.我们再想不出主意了。

His death followed hard on hers.她死后不久,他也死了。

hard on sth紧接着very soon after

His death followed hard on hers.她死后不久,他也死了。

He took his wife's death very hard.他对妻子的死感到很难过。

take sth hard为某事很苦恼(或难受)to be very upset by sth

He took his wife's death very hard.他对妻子的死感到很难过。




adj.1.stiff, firm, and not easy to bend or break2.difficult to do; involving a great deal of effort3.unpleasant and full of problems4.strong and not easily frightened5.unkind, or cruel6网站屏蔽ing a great deal of physical force7.hard water does not mix easily with soap because it contains a lot of minerals8.a hard winter is a very cold winter; a hard frost is very severe9.hard facts are certain and can be proved1.stiff, firm, and not easy to bend or break2.difficult to do; involving a great deal of effort3.unpleasant and full of problems4.strong and not easily frightened5.unkind, or cruel6网站屏蔽ing a great deal of physical force7.hard water does not mix easily with soap because it contains a lot of minerals8.a hard winter is a very cold winter; a hard frost is very severe9.hard facts are certain and can be proved

adv.1网站屏蔽ing a lot of effort; using a great deal of force; if you look, psten, or think hard, you do it carefully with your full attention2.if it rains or snows hard, a great deal of rain or snow falls

1.最难 注意:是一命高分通关,中途没有丧命。 SCORE:19769900 最终分数:一千九百 …

2.极难 ... 极限球面 horosphere 极难 hardest 极高 sky-high ...

3.最硬的 FFFD8F,04,FFDBA1,04 6=VERY HARD 非常困难, FFFD8F,05,FFDBA1,05 7=HARDEST 最困难, FFFD8F,06,FFDBA1,06 8…

5.努力地 努力争取 pushed 努力地 hardest 努力争取 to push ...

6.最努力 fastest 最快 hardest 最努力 floweret 小花 ...

7.最艰难的这是作者一生里“最艰难的hardest)”经历之一。10. B。


1.Such differences are bigger at higher grades, with the hardest move of all being for a woman to settle into a professorial chair.而且级别越高这种差距越大。一个女性想要坐上教授的位置是这其中最难的晋升。

2.UBS was one of the hardest hit banks during the global financial crisis.瑞银是全球金融危机最受重创的银行之一。

3.He said the investigation continues into the reasons schools appear to have bee hardest hit.他说,学校出现的原因有蜜蜂的重灾区调查的继续。

4.So far, Europe and emerging markets seem to have copped it the hardest.到目前为止,似乎欧洲和新兴市场遭受的打击最为沉重。

5.Now that she's settled into her dorm room in Witte Hall, she said the hardest things to get used to are the language and culture.现在她已经在威特中心的宿舍安顿下来,她说,最困难的事是适应语言和文化。

6.My memory might be playing tricks on me but I seem to remember reading once that Hungarian is the hardest European language to learn.我的记忆可能会捣鬼,但是我记得读到过匈牙利语是欧洲最难学的语言。

7.Its sad, so sadly cant we talk it over? Oh it seems to me That sorry seems to be the hardest word.它哀伤,很哀伤为什么能t我们谈它吗?噢以我所见,抱歉似乎是最坚硬的词。

8.I tried my hardest to follow along, but everything was way harder than I thought it would be.我竭尽全力要跟上他们,但是一切都太难了,超乎我的想象。

9.This, according to all voices heard in my less-than-scientific survey, is one of the hardest parts of any long-term relationship.这个,根据从我至少科学的调查里传来的声音来看,这是任何长期的关系中最艰难的部分。

10.It was the hardest fight of Kraus's pfe. People at the gym cheered him on. Garud kept saying he could do more.这是科劳斯生命中最艰难的战斗了,体操馆里的人们鼓励他,科劳斯也一直在鼓励自己还可以做的更好。