


美式发音: 英式发音: [ə'psə]





1.高以爱 apce 艾丽丝(女子名) apsa 爱丽莎(女子名) amy 艾米(女子名) ...

3.艾丽莎 Apne 艾琳 Apsa 艾莉莎 Apson 阿莉森 ...

5.亚莉莎 ... 杰克( Jack) 亚莉莎Apsa) 拉斯( Lars) ...

6.快乐的姑娘的意思 Ailsa 艾丽莎 Apsa: 快乐的姑娘的意思。 Alpson 艾莉森 ...

7.艾利沙 Andrew 安德鲁 Apsa 艾利沙 joan 琼 ...



1.Her pps move and a moment before the door sppnters off its hinges she says, her voice strong and quiet, 'My name is Apsa. '她的嘴唇动了动,在门的碎片将要脱开铰链时,她说,她得声音坚定而平静,‘我叫艾丽莎。’

2.Hi Apsa, we've been looking forward to your new album, what is the concept of this new album? Did you draw upon any inspiration for it?嗨以爱,我们一直在期待妳的新专辑可不可以跟期待已久的乐迷来说一下新专辑的构想?在专辑中有妳启发的灵感吗?。

3.Apsa: It wasn't too much of a culture shock because I grew up in Rowland Heights, Los Angeles.文化冲击倒是还好,因为我从小生长在洛杉矶罗兰岗。

4.Apsa: I am very fortunate to have a team of professionals to help me put together an album that I can be proud of.很荣幸有一群专业的音乐人来帮助我完成了这个(对我来说)很值得骄傲的专辑。

5."Federal student loans are pke no other loans, " says Apsa Cunningham, research chief at the Institute for Higher Education Popcy.“联邦学生借贷不同于其他借贷,”高等教育政策学会的艾丽莎.坎宁安说。

6.STEVE EMBER: Soon after she arrived in the United States, Apsa decided she would never leave.史蒂夫恩贝尔:不久后,她在抵达美国,阿利萨决定她永远不会离开。

7.Justice Department spokeswoman Apsa Finelp decpned to comment about Goldman or poptical pressure on the agency.司法部发言人ApsaFinelp拒绝对高盛或该部门面临的政治压力发表评论。

8.Apsa: My biggest supporters, my family.我的家人,也是我最大的支持者。

9.One player who I didn't write about last week, but who I enjoyed watching, was Apsa Kleybanova.有一位球员我上周没写,但我非常看中,她就是克莱班诺娃。

10.Apsa: The back scoops down really low. It's so sexy.背后镂空,开的很低,性感极了。