




1.收拾屋子 ... clear the table 收拾桌子 tidy up the room 收拾屋子 pack up one's clothes 收拾衣物 ...

2.收拾房间 cook 烹饪 tidy up the room 收拾房间 sweeping 扫地 ...

3.把房间收拾干净 ... 怎样教育孩子 How to teach the children 把房间收拾干净 Tidy up the room 他们还是孩子 They are still children ...

4.把房子收拾一下 ... 1)把房子收拾一下Tidy up the room. 2)把这封信贴上邮票寄出去。 Stamp and mail the lette…



1.Jenny had to tidy up the room before her mother came back .珍尼不得不在她妈妈回家以前将房间整理好。

2.And while you're there, wash a few dishes or tidy up the room.当你在看望病人时,你也可以帮忙洗洗餐具,整理房间。

3.I'm playing with my toys. I will tidy up the room after a while.我正在玩玩具,过会儿我会把房间收拾好。

4.The mother had her daughter tidy up the room last Friday.上周五妈妈让她女儿整理了房间。

5.You'd better tidy up the room before the guests arrive.客人们到达前,你最好先整理一下房间。

6.It's your turn to tidy (up) the room.这回该你收拾房间了。

7.to tidy up the room this week.这周该我们打扫房间了。

8.I took great trouble to tidy up the room.我费了很大劲才把房间整理好。

9.I tidy up the room.我清理房间。

10.I have to tidy up the room.我不得不打扫房间了。