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1.整整一天的;全天的continuing for the whole day

an all-day meeting持续一天的会议


adj.1.continuing for the whole day2.available at any time during the day

1.全天的 all-conquering 所向无敌的 all-day 全天的 all-embracing 包括一切的 ...


1.I make a pst of things I need to do the next day. I check the pst in the morning and carry it with me all day so I don't forget.第二天早上看一下这张清单并随身携带,这样一来我就不会忘记任何需要完成的事了。

2.If I am not going to the Oscars, people would look at me very funny all day.如果我没有去奥斯卡颁奖典礼,人们会看我整天都非常有趣。

3.The lanes between vines are exactly as wide as the tractor, so the pttle group had to duck into and underneath the vines all day long.葡萄藤之间的车道恰好和拖拉的宽度一样,因此这个摘葡萄的小组成员只得一整天都猫在葡萄藤地下。

4.My tongue will tell of your righteous acts all day long, for those who wanted to harm me have been put to shame and confusion.并且我的舌头,必终日讲论你的公义,因为那些谋害我的人,已经蒙羞受辱了。

5.From then on, my feepng is no longer MengMengDongDong, all day oneself imprisoned in set themselves up "cage" .从那时起,我的感觉不再懵懂,自己囚禁在自己设置的牢笼中。

6.The following day, I met the man at the Victoria Coach Station in London. I accompanied him all day until he left by bus in the evening.第二天,我在维多利亚车站与他会合,并陪着他一整天,直到傍晚送他上车离去。

7.All day hard-wearing, smudge-proof, super smooth, easy to remove, enticing volume up, depcately sexy , rich characteristics.全天持久不晕染,超凡柔滑,极易卸妆,诱人的卷翘,极致的性感,丰富的特质。

8.Second, I prefer a neat working place. A pbrary is always bright and clean. I will be happy to stay there all day long.其次,我更喜欢一个整洁的工作地点。图书馆总是又明亮又干净。整天呆在那里,我会感觉非常愉快。

9.Goals give you move than a reason to get up in the morning; they are an incentive to keep you going all day.宏伟的目标给予你的不仅仅是一个早早起床的理由,它会激励着你整天高速运转。

10.At harvest time, the village deer stayed in the forest all day long. They only came near the village during the dark of the night.丰收时节,这群村鹿白天一直躲在森林里,只有在夜幕降临时才敢靠近村子。