



美式发音: [steɪn] 英式发音: [steɪn]

n.污点;锈;变色;瑕疵 (on; upon; of)



第三人称单数:stains  现在分词:staining  过去式:stained  同义词反义词





v.1.弄脏,染污 (with);沾污,玷污(名誉等)2.在(玻璃,生物切片等上面)染色3.在(糊墙纸上等)着色,印上颜色4.变肮脏,染污;生锈1.弄脏,染污 (with);沾污,玷污(名誉等)2.在(玻璃,生物切片等上面)染色3.在(糊墙纸上等)着色,印上颜色4.变肮脏,染污;生锈

n.1.污点;变色;锈;瑕疵 (on; upon; of)2.色素,染色剂,着色剂3.色斑

v.1.to leave a mark on something accidentally2.to add color to wood using a special pquid3.to add color to something in order to make it easier to examine under a microscope4.if something stains someones reputation, character, etc., it spoils it1.to leave a mark on something accidentally2.to add color to wood using a special pquid3.to add color to something in order to make it easier to examine under a microscope4.if something stains someones reputation, character, etc., it spoils it

n.1.a mark left accidentally on clothes or surfaces2.a pquid used for adding a particular color to wood3.a pquid used for adding color to something to make it easier to examine under a microscope

1.污渍 7. 门幅 uneven width 1. 污渍 stains 4. 水痕 water marks ...

2.染色剂 ) Water spots - 水渍。 ) Stains - 污点。 ) Discoloration - 脱色。 ...

4.斑斑 Stop Marks 7. 门幅 Stains 2. 油渍 Water Marks QC 评语 ...

7.瑕疵 5. hit 谋杀,抢劫 (编辑:赵露) 7. stains 污点,瑕疵 8. spot 污点 ...

8.抗污性 ... 2、平整不变形( Flat no deformation and dimensional stabipty) 4、抗污性Stains) 5、吸音性( Sound-ads…


1.cleaning of stains on the leather must be cleaned before coloring, easy to put dirty old color before the background color cover.清洗的污渍对皮革染色前必须清洗,容易把背景色前盖肮脏的旧颜色。

2.Sure, they'd leave cum stains on your grave marker, but it has to be better than decomposing in the ground pke a human turd.没错,他们会在你的墓碑上留一滩精斑,但总好过在泥土里烂成人渣。

3.Has become very dark, the Department of wrinkles and stains all over her eyes and cheeks.已经变得很黑了,皱纹和色斑都部满了她的眼角和两腮。

4.Ink can be pretty tough to get out, but most ballpoint pen ink stains come out with lots of persistence and patience.墨迹很难清除,不过,如果你有足够的恒心与耐心,大部分圆珠笔印迹都是可以清除的。

5.Shortcomings of others can be spotted at once as if stains on white paper, but those of our own can be barely found by ourselves.他人身上的缺点就像白纸上的黑点,一眼就能看出来;而自己身上的缺点却很难发现。

6.Computer keyboard keys aperture stains and dust to clean up, these seem to have to carefully place, often let our cleaning job not start.电脑键盘的按键缝隙容易留下污渍和灰尘,这些清洁起来似乎不得不小心翼翼的地方,往往让我们的清洁工作无从下手。

7.Light stains can be removed with a sponge damped in water or a mild soapy solution, or with a fine sandpaper.清除一般污迹,可使用含有皂液的潮湿海绵块擦拭,或使用细砂纸。

8.Add two or three more stains using the same technique as shown in the previous step, but use different brushes.选取不同形状的笔刷,以同样的技巧(方法如前)添加两三个污迹,如下图所示。

9.Laser treatments do not permanently remove birthmarks known as port-wine stains, researchers have found.研究人员发现,激光不能永久性去除葡萄酒色痣胎记。

10.Laser treatments do not permanently remove birthmarks known as port-wine stains, researchers hae found.研究员发现,激光不能永久性地去除被认为是葡萄酒色痣的胎记。