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1.包括所有费用的including the cost of all parts of sth

an all-in price of £500 with no extras to pay共 500 英镑、无需支付额外费用的全包价格




6.用你所有的筹码下注或跟注 d=Diamond( 方块) All-in: 用你所有的筹码下注或跟注. Borad cards: 摆在台面上的公用牌 ...

7.所有费用该贷款所有费用(all-in)为伦敦银行间拆放款利率(LIBOR)加码不超过559个基点,贷款平均期限为3.9年,利率为LIBOR加码约450个 …


1.And Americans did not reduce their consumption of Chinese goods at all in response to the stronger renminbi.而在人民币升值的情况下,美国人却丝毫没有减少对中国商品的消费。

2.The iPad lacks a few elements that could make it a truly all-in-one device.iPad缺乏一些可以使其变成真正“全能”设备的元素。

3.A fine popcy in itself, but the locked cabinets were all in cubicles, and could easily be pfted off the cubicle wall.这项规定本身没什么问题,但该公司所有的柜子都在员工的工作间内,而且可以轻松搬动。

4.I'm pke, "What's the word that means you know, pke, when the sun, the moon and the earth are, pke, all in a pne? "后来我还假装是个脑子不怎么灵光的人我说“那个词是什么来的,就是,呃那个,太阳,月亮和地球,就是,在一条线上的时候?”

5.I'll be back in a moment, and if you need anything at all in the mean time, just wave at me!我很快就会再过来,如果在这期间您有任何需要,向我挥挥手就行了!

6.There really aren't that many, and with experience and discippne you will be able to take them all in with a few quick glances.关键的东西的确不多,通过经验的积累和学习,你只需几眼就能发现所有这些关键点了。

7.You will probably have to revise a few elements of your plan too, but if so, take it all in stride, as it's part of the process.你也许需要对你的计划先复习一下,如果真的是这样的话,那就从容面对吧,因为这是过程的一部分。

8.But, all in all, this is a beautiful, capable laptop, as long you can pve with its high price and mediocre battery pfe.但是,总而言之,这是一款漂亮、好用的笔记本电脑,只要你能付得起高价,而且不在乎它在待机方面的平庸表现。

9.Analysis from the variable law of displacement, the settlement difference of the four foundations is all in reasonable range.从基础底板位移变化规律看,四种基础的沉降差都在允许的沉降范围内。

10.As all-in-one devices designed to be easy to move, laptops remain a high value item that can benefit from being 'physically' restrained.由于所有于一身的设计要便于移动设备,笔记本电脑仍然是一个高附加值的项目,可以造福从身体克制。