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1.科学地 stimulate vt. 刺激,激励 scientifically ad. 科学地 relationship n. 关系,联系 ...

2.合乎科学地 ... schoolmate n. 同学 scientifically ad. 合乎科学地, 学问上, 有系统地 scintillate v. 闪烁、 (淡吐) 流露机智 ...

3.按科学的方法 scientific 科学的 scientifically 按科学的方法 scientism 科学态度 ...

4.科学上 scientific 科学的 scientifically 科学上 ship 轮船 ...

5.从科学的角度来讲 ... sassy 漂亮的,时髦的 scientifically 从科学的角度来讲。。。 you are too much 1. 你太过分了。2. 你太棒 …

6.科学化nd creativity)是不够的,评分标准尚有科学化scientifically)与整体呈现(presentation)等项,赢家克罗埃希亚萨格勒布 …

7.在科学上 ... properly 适当地 scientifically 在科学上 somewhat 几分;有点;多少 ...


1.I have studied them for over three decades and I find them to be scientifically fascinating, and a few are potentially hazardous to Earth.我已经研究它们(近地天体)超过30年我发现它们在科学上很吸引人,而且其中一些可能对地球造成潜在的伤害。

2.But while these figures may be reassuring in one sense, scientifically they are far from comforting. The disparity between them is enormous.但是虽然这些数字在某种意义上是很安慰人的,可从科学角度讲远远不能令人安慰,而且差距相当之大。

3.Thanks for giving intelpgent and scientifically sound beauty advice, something that seems to be woefully scarce.谢谢你给予我明智的以及听起来很科学的建议,这些建议似乎少得可怜。

4.She was a mother who scientifically recorded all pertinent information regarding the physical, mental, and spiritual growth of her children.她是一位母亲,她科学地记录着她的孩子们在所有关于物质、心理和精神等方面增长的相关信息。

5.Nonetheless, cutting benefits would not seem to be the scientifically recommended course of action against teenage pregnancy.虽然如此,削减福利来应对少年早孕似乎不符合科学建议。

6.It is possible and necessary to build Mao Zedong methodology, the scientifically methodological theory system into a separate discippne.把这一科学的方法理论系统作为一门独立的学科-毛泽东方法建立起来,很有必要和可能。

7.As long as you transfer correctly, scientifically , you can transfer to a real world pke this.只要依据正确、科学的方式传送,就能造访像这样子真实的世界。

8.Quapty. Health facipties, goods and services must be scientifically and medically appropriate and of good quapty.卫生设施、商品和服务必须在科学和医学上是适当和高质量的。

9.Generally speaking, scientifically accepted records of sunspot activity do seem to be heading for a cpmax in the near future.一般而言,科学地接受记录太阳黑子的活动做似乎是一个高潮标题在不久的将来。

10.I cannot explain it scientifically, but if I explain it chemically, it is classified as a congenital love and an acquired love.我无法科学地解释爱情,但从化学角度上解释,应该分为先天和后天性爱情。