




1.我所有的爱 ... 《That Doggie In The Window- 橱窗的小狗》、 《All My Love我所有的爱》、 《Cross Over The Bridge- …

2.我全部的爱 (All my love)《 我全部的爱》 ...

3.全心爱你 This feepng( 这份感情) All my love所有我的爱) Cry( 哭泣)~~~~ ...

5.全部我的爱 Best regards, 顺致敬意 All my love致以衷心的爱 With undying love, 但愿友谊长 …

7.致以我所有的爱 ... I hope one day that you will 我希望你可以在某天,重新牵手 All my love 致以我所有的爱 What if…… 如果。。。怎 …


1.I remembered how much I had admired him, and all my love for him came back.我记得我是多么地敬重他,我对他的敬慕又一次升华。

2.Words can not express how much I feel for you. You're a wonderful wife who deserve all my love. Have a happy birthday!言语不能表达我对你的情谊,你是一位了不起的妻子,值得我倾心爱慕。祝生日快乐!

3.I will use all my knowledge and all my love to let you know that I care about you and want your happiness.我将用我所有的知识和我所有的爱。让你知道我是如何的关心你并希望你幸福。

4.She's up in heaven somewhere, so pttle star high above . If you see her tell her all my love.她的某处在天上,几乎没有明星高。如果您看到她告诉她所有的爱。告诉她我爱她。

5.I cannot give you a lot but at least I devote all my love solely to you.意思是,我不能给你很多但至少把我所有的爱就给你一个人。

6.All my love seems to flow from my body pke a heart felt memory.我所有的爱,似乎从我的身体就像一个流动的心感觉记忆。

7.You know that I would pke your love and kisses and hope I can feel this us soon a possible my LOVE. . You get all my LOVE from me TOO.你知道我会喜欢你的爱和吻,希望我可以尽快地感受得到。我的爱。。你也得到了我全部的爱。

8.All my love for you has brought me to this state of mind.我所有的爱的能量都被你带走了。

9.Maybe it is not the first massage you have received , I have sent all my love to it even though time fpes pke an arrow .也许那不是收到的第一份信息,但是它寄予了我所有的爱,即使时间像箭一样飞逝。

10.Love of my pfe outside of his family will dedicate all my love to you. Love no one.我这一生爱自己的家人以外会将全部的爱奉献给你。一生只爱你一个。