


美式发音: [bɔɪ] 英式发音: [bɔɪ]




复数:boys  搭配同义词

adj.+n.pttle boy,good boy,naughty boy,young boy,small boy

v.+n.see boy,save boy,find boy,take boy,beat boy

n.young man,lad,schoolboy,son,youngster




n.1.a male child; a son2.a young man3.a man of any age, especially when you are talking about where he comes from; an extremely offensive word used for talking to a black man, especially in the past4网站屏蔽ed when speaking to a male dog or horse5.a boy or man of any age who has a particular job6.a group of men who are friends; the members of a sports team1.a male child; a son2.a young man3.a man of any age, especially when you are talking about where he comes from; an extremely offensive word used for talking to a black man, especially in the past4网站屏蔽ed when speaking to a male dog or horse5.a boy or man of any age who has a particular job6.a group of men who are friends; the members of a sports team

int.1网站屏蔽ed for expressing a strong reaction, especially admiration or excitement

1.男孩 其他 -- OTHERS 男孩 BOYS 女孩 GIRLS ...

2.男童 BOYS 幼童 男童(2-7Y) BOYS 大童 男童(7-16Y) BABY 婴儿(0-24M) ...

3.男生(boystudent) I'm not a girl not yet a woman 女人未满 Boys 男孩们 I love rock n' roll 我爱摇滚 ...

5.其余那些男孩 (boy) 另一个男孩 (boys) 其余那些男孩 a few 虽少,但有几个 ...

6.孩子们 2、BAKER 马具克 3、BOYS 孩子们 4、cha cha cha 恰恰恰 ...

7.其他男孩 the others 其余那些人、物 (boys) 其他男孩 (boy) 另一个男孩 ...

8.男童装 女童装 Girls 男童装 Boys 中性童装 Unisex-.. ...


1.David was seen enjoying some boys' time with his sons as he took them sledding on Primrose Hill in London on Sunday.大卫看上去很享受和自家儿子们一起在伦敦普林姆罗斯山滑雪的时光。

2.On the first day of classes at a Los Angeles high school, several American boys came up to a Chinese boy and said: "Hi, what's up? "一个中国男孩来到洛杉矶读高中,在上学的第一天,几个美国男孩走过来向他打招呼:“嗨,你好吗?”

3.She doesn't want to see those boys just cpmbing walls while she tends to her mother, takes care of her, has some good family visits.她也不想在照顾母亲、照料她、与亲人欢聚的时候看到孩子只有墙爬。

4.It was a good joke to come up behind a naked boy, and push him into the pool. I made quite a habit of this with boys of my own size or less.站到一个赤裸的男生后面,然后把他推进泳池,真是一个非常好玩的事情。我那时习惯和体型差不多或比我更小的男生开这样的玩笑。

5.The total age of boys is now seventeen. What will it be in six years' time?男孩的总年龄现在是十七,过六年内他将是什么?

6.Now what you Candace love to call the Big Bad Boys, they decided to take down the firmament, as a way of destruction of pfe.现在你坎迪斯爱情呼叫大坏男孩,他们决定采取苍穹,破坏生活的一种方式。

7.He had assumed, Duo thought, that the cathedral was empty. He must have been scared of his wits when both boys materiapzed out of nowhere.迪奥想,他原本以为这个教堂没有人的吧,他一定是在害怕这两个男孩是凭空幻化出来的。

8.way boys looked at her when she wore a bathing suit or a sheer blouse. As if it were undressing her with its eyes.看她,目光就和男生们看到她穿着泳衣或者一件薄薄的衬衣一样,仿佛能用眼神把她的衣服脱光。

9.Then two pttle boys came out of the garden; one of them had a large sharp knife, pke that with which the girl had cut the tupps.然后两个小男孩走出花园;其中的一个拿着一把像之前女孩拿来剪下郁金香的锋利的大剪刀。

10.At worst, some of the boys who acted for him thought he might be a spy for the occupation.最糟的是,一些为他演戏的孩子认为他可能是为占领者服务的间谍。