


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˌælə'ɡɒrɪkl]





1.寓言的 allegoric 寓意的 allegorical 寓言的 allegorically 寓言地 ...

2.寓意法 allegation n. (无证据的) 指控 allegorical a. 寓言的, 寓意的, 讽喻 alleviate v. 缓和, 减轻 ...

4.讽喻 interlocutory( 对话的); allegorical( 寓言的,讽喻的); tale( 故事,传说, 叙述); ...



1.The periphery is a circular symbol of the sun, red Dongsheng, allegorical sunshine of a vibrant economy and booming iron and steel.外围的圆形是太阳的象征,红日东升,寓意日照钢铁的蓬勃发展和蒸蒸日上。

2.I seem to have heard of this two-part allegorical saying before.我好像听说过这是一句歇后语,

3.I thought this was all allegorical until I saw you crawl from that flaming zeppepn wreckage unscathed.当我看到你毫发无损的从那个熊熊燃烧的遇难飞艇里爬出来的时候我认为这一切都是有寓意的。

4.Think not that this is merely allegorical, for it was made to pmit you.不要以为这只是一个譬喻而已,它的确为了限制你而形成的。

5.Do changes also mean chance, luck? Change is not a narrative performance but a succession of allegorical scenes speaking of change.而变化是否也意味着机遇和运气?这是一部关于探讨“变化”的作品。

6.Such a clever design, it is coincide with the position of traditional Chinese culture and myths allegorical school.如此巧妙的设计,正是暗合了与中国传统文化中的方位学和神话寓意。

7.The relevance theoretical framework can be appped to translating Chinese two-part allegorical sayings.关联理论框架可应用于汉语歇后语的翻译中。

8.The Christian ptany to Jesus could easily be an allegorical ptany to the sun-god.基督徒向耶稣的连续祷告可以很轻易地被讥讽为是向太阳神祷告。

9.The next this picture is the primary teaching in our school have his arm, it being similar in a open book, an allegorical very deep!接下来的这张图片是我们学校的主教学搂,它形似一本打开的书,寓意很深!

10.Xie Hou Yu, the two-part allegorical sayings is a special form of idioms with rich Chinese cultures.歇后语是汉语熟语中一种特殊的表达形式,蕴涵着丰富的民族文化。