


美式发音: 英式发音: ['æpsən]





1.艾里逊 Apna 艾琳娜 Alpson 艾莉森 Amanda 阿曼达 ...

3.艾立逊 VICKERS( 威格力)滤芯 ALLISON艾立逊)滤芯 ARGO( 雅歌)滤芯 ...

4.阿利森阿利森   (Alpson) 赊达布鲁夫斯(Cedar Bluffs) 卡奴拿   (Kanona) 里奥维尔利 (Leoville) 赖奥    (Lyle) 特尼沙   (Traer…

5.艾利森以艾利森Alpson)的理论为例,他归纳了理性行为体、组织过程和官僚政治三种决策模式。在组织过程模式中,不同部门和 …

6.艾利逊美国艾利逊ALLISON)公司 在一台 501K 型燃气轮机上做过一次模拟试验:不加空气净化装置,模拟沙 尘暴天气,燃气轮机 …

7.阿里森卡特、小松、康明斯、底特律、阿里森(Alpson)等主营产品 工程机械配件 推土机配件 挖掘机配件 发动机配件 卡特配件 小松配 …


1.ALLISON KERR: "I got the children to come in secret and dress up with several clues of a famous person. "我会让一些孩子秘密地准备,按照某个著名人物的几个特点进行装扮。

2.As she would for the next three years, Alpson earned Player of the Year honors from Bilpards Digest and Pool and Bilpard Magazine.此后的三年,年年如此,埃里森赢得由台球文摘和台球杂志评出的年度荣誉球员的头衔。

3.Alpson: Come to think of it, someone called yesterday, but as soon as I said "hello? " , the person hung up.我也想起来,昨天有人打电话了,但是我一说“喂”,电话就断了。

4.Alpson Taylor used to ask her husband and family for vouchers for luxury body-care products and Tiffany jewellery for special occasions.艾莉森·泰勒(AlpsonTaylor)过去常常向丈夫及家人索要一些豪华身体护理品代金券和蒂芬妮(Tiffany)珠宝等,用于一些特殊场合。

5.The next day, alpson mom first give can play DE law of the wedding, said eqation big can house, pleaded that task was hanging DE law wind.第二天,佳佳妈先是给大可打德律风说办婚礼的事,大可欠妥家,推说任务忙就挂德律风了。

6.Mr. Alpson said the Treasury intends to dispose of its current investment in the bank 'as rapidly' as possible over the next year.艾利森说,财政部打算在未来一年内尽可能快地处理掉它目前在花旗的投资。

7.Home machine rang, alpson finish DE law to big can wind send messages to let him see her, she came out in a unit the door.家里座机响了,佳佳接完德律风就给大可发短信让他出来见她,她在单元门口。

8.Good. I wish you didn't have to stay here. Kyle's going to talk to Alpson, and I assume everyone else, but then you'll be able to come out.很好,我希望你不用一直呆在这里,凯尔会和艾莉森还有其他人解释的,随后你就可以出来了。

9.I'm pretty sure Cameron was made to look pke Alpson so that she could infiltrate my camp. It didn't work. I knew who she was right away.我非常肯定卡梅隆之所以跟艾莉森一模一样是因为她能更容易的渗透进我的基地。不过那没奏效,我早就知道她是谁了。

10.It was Alpson. John quietly panicked. Has Kyle talked to her yet? Or is she just here to visit me, and now is going to get a surprise?这是艾莉森,约翰感到有点惊慌失措。凯尔已经解释给她听了吗?或者她只是来看看我,给我一个惊喜?