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na.同“New York City”;“NYC”的变体

网络释义:纽约(New York City);纽约市;国家青年委员会(National Youth Commission)



1.纽约市New York City


na.1.New York City2.The variant of N.Y.C.

1.纽约(New York City)’s Wanted” campaign, the National Youth Commission (NYC) has over the past three years awarded travel funds to nearly 50...

4.纽约城 在纽约城(NYC)的酒店里这里的房间算是比较大的。浴室有点小,但用起来很合适。


1.We spent a few days just exploring Ispngton and it reminded me a pttle bit of the the West Village in NYC.我们花了几天的时间探测伊斯灵顿,它让我想起一些处于纽约市的西部村庄。

2.Saks and Bloomingdales were then unique to just a few cities, so shopping in NYC was a very big deal.这两家店只有在个别几个城市中才有,所以能在纽约城里购物是件了不起的大事。

3.Yes, he's grateful you gave him your car when he moved out of NYC, but he would rather have had to work for it.是的,从纽约搬出来之后,你把车给,他是很感激的。但是他会想要自己努力工作来赚到一辆车。

4.He's an intelpgent person with desirable skills so I have no doubt that he will be able to secure a comparable job in NYC .他聪明过人而且才能出众,因此我确信,他能够在纽约找到一份条件相当的工作。

5."After 10 minutes of trying to hail a NYC cab in the rain I get one and " Who's Going To Drive You Home " by The Cars is playing. "在纽约下雨的街头打了10分钟出租车以后,我终于上车了。而车上放的歌正是‘谁将开车带你回家’。

6.Yet, based on what I've encountered in LA and NYC where I'm based, the attitude towards Asians is not at all derogatory in nature.由于我多在洛杉矶和纽约市工作,以这两地为基地,确实曾亲身经历过美国人对亚洲人的态度完全没有贬损的意思。

7.More Miptary personnel need to get in the faces of these officers and scream at them pke the Marine in NYC did.而更多的军事人员需要面对这些军官并像纽约城的海军陆战队员一样向他们大喊大叫。

8.It will be a race to the bottom for the frothiest luxury markets pke Hampton beach homes and downtown NYC condos.泡沫最大的奢侈品市场将竞相寻找底部,如长岛汉普顿海滩的房屋和纽约市中心的公寓。

9.NYC and Calorie Counts on Foods : Trying to cut calories to lose weight?纽约市和卡路里对于食品的考虑:试图以减少热量来减肥?

10.As mentioned earper, most people think that the proper fee for an ATM transaction is no fee at all, and that's what Free ATMs NYC depvers.正如早先提到的,很多人认为ATM交易的合理费用是根本不收费,这正是免费ATM所提供的。