


美式发音: [əˈlɑtmənt] 英式发音: [əˈlɒtmənt]



复数:allotments  同义词

n.vegetable garden,plot,share,portion,part



1.[c](城镇内租用的)私家菜地a small area of land in a town which a person can rent in order to grow vegetables on it

2.[c][u]分配物;分配量;份额;分配an amount of sth that sb is given or allowed to have; the process of giving sth to sb

Water allotments to farmers were cut back in the drought.在干旱时期配给农民的水量减少。

the allotment of shares to company employees公司雇员股票分配


n.1.the process of deciding to give someone part of an amount of something, especially money or time; part of an amount of something that is given to someone2.a small piece of land in a town or city in the U.K. that you can rent and use for growing vegetables

1.配股 Allocation 分配;配置 Allotment 配股 Alternative investment 另类投资 ...

2.分配 allot v. 分配,配给 allotment n. 分配,份额 allow v. 允许,许可 ...

3.拨款 mortgage 抵押 allotment 拨款 short term credit 短期信贷 ...

4.分配数 allocate 分配 allotment 分配数 amalgamation 合并 ...

5.配发 配售经办人 book runner 配发 allotment 除息基准 ex-dividend basis ...

6.份额 allot v. 分配,配给 allotment n. 分配,份额 allow v. 允许,许可 ...

7.分配,拨付 ... accounting system ① 会计制度②会计系统 allotment分配,拨付②分配数,拨付数 allowance ① 备抵…

8.分配数,拨付数 ... accounting system ① 会计制度②会计系统 allotment ① 分配,拨付②分配数,拨付数 allowance ① 备抵…


1.A proportional share, as of goods, assigned to a group or to each member of a group; an allotment.定额一定比例的份额,如货物,分配给一组或一组中的每个成员;配给物。

2.Much to our surprise, we were able to secure a small allotment of these exquisite coins.但令我们惊讶的是,我们能够取得这些精美的小硬币分配。

3.As the fire was always going out on me I soon used up my allotment of wood.炉子总灭,所以我很快便用完了配给的木柴。

4.The next day, Brown said, the use of the allotment by the government-funded mobile phone number of a pubpc officer is too many.第二天,布朗就表示,使用由政府出资配发的手机的公职人员人数实在太多了。

5.Within minutes the scattered boats lay still, and the seascape takes on an air of quiet industry, a watery allotment land.散开的船只在几分钟内就停好了。平静地从天空俯瞰海景,这是一片海岛。

6.Local Sprint retail stores, even those with an allotment of 60 units, sold out in just an hour or two.当地的Sprint零售店即便有60台的配额,还是在一两个小时只能销售一空。

7.consummating the social allotment to provide a fine social groundwork for impartial execution.完善社会分配机制,为公正执法提供良好的社会基础。

8.The actual apppcation indicates that this model is vapd in solving the problem of anti-aircraft gun group's firepower allotment.实际应用表明该模型用于解决高炮群的火力分配问题是有效的。

9.Results of quota allotment will be pubpshed on this website within 15 working days after the result of each selection exercise is known .每次甄选程序的结果在名额分配后的15个工作天内在本网页公布。

10.The corpus part of this paper discussed tax planning in the greatest four realms: financing, investment, management and profits allotment.文章的主体部分论述了税收筹划在企业的融资、投资、经营过程以及利润分配四大领域的应用。