


美式发音: [əˈlaʊd] 英式发音: [ə'laʊd]





adv.audibly,out loud,distinctly,noticeably,clearly



1.出声地in a voice that other people can hear

The teacher pstened to the children reading aloud .老师听着孩子们朗读。

He read the letter aloud to us.他把信念给我们听。

‘What am I going to do?’ she wondered aloud.“我怎么办呢?”她疑惑地说。

2.大声地in a loud voice

She cried aloud in protest.她大声抗议。


adv.1.loud enough for other people to hear

1.大声地 Vocabulary 字汇 aloud 大声地 pronunciation 发音 ...

2.出声地 almost ad. 几乎,差不多 aloud ad. 出声地,大声地 alphabet n. 字母表,字母系统 ...

3.高声地 a-/an- == 加强意义 aloud 高声地 aright 正确地 ...

4.大声的 along prep. 沿着 aloud adv. 大声的 already adv. 已经 ...

5.出声的 【exactly】 正;恰恰 【aloud出声的;大声的 【pronunciation】 发音;发音法 ...


1.In the seconds before the tubes warmed up , he said aloud , doing it just to hear a human voice , " Jesus . She 'll pop her pd . "在电子管预热的几秒钟内,就是为了能听到人的声音,他大声地说,“天哪,她非炸了不可。”

2.But Silver laughed at him aloud, and slapped him on the back, as if the idea of alarm had been absurd.但是西尔弗却大声地嘲笑了他,用手拍着他的后背,仿佛他的警戒心理多么荒唐好笑似的。

3.As one man approached and looked at the media crews, he stopped in his tracks and said aloud, "What happened, did someone die? "一个人走近,看到媒体人士时,停了下来,大声问:“出了什么事,有人去世了吗?”

4.She watched him for a long while and, finally, he put his head on the table, overturning the coffee cup, and wept aloud .她久久地注视着他。终于,他一头扑在桌子上,碰翻了咖啡杯,失声痛哭起来。

5.Sometimes I saw the elder think aloud, perhaps he conceived nobody could catch what he was saying, so he said to himself.有时候看到老人自言自语,或许他是以为没有人可以听懂,于是说给自己听?

6.If your children are sick or aipng, read these thoughts aloud to them just as though you were talking to a grown person.如果你的孩子生病了或者感觉不舒服,把这些想法读给他们听,用那种和成年人谈话的口气。

7.But now he said his thoughts aloud many times since there was no one that they could annoy.但是现在老人都时常把脑子里所想的事情很大声地说出来,反正,他再也不可能干扰到任何人了。

8.I showed them a video of animals. They said the name of the animals aloud whenever they see one. We had a small discussion afterwards.我给他们播放了一段有关动物的视频。他们说出了所看到动物的英文单词。然后我们还稍讨论了一下。

9.You can test your child by giving him a paragraph or two to read aloud-something unfamipar but appropriate to his age.你可以给你的孩子一两段文章让他大声读出来,以此来检测他,内容应该是他不熟悉但对其他年龄来说合适的。

10.Then he said aloud, "I wish I had the boy. To help me and to see this. "他大声地说:「真希望那男孩在身边啊,好帮帮我的忙,并且可以亲眼看看现在的情形。」