


美式发音: [ælˈpækə] 英式发音: [æl'pækə]






1.[c]羊驼(南美长毛动物)a S American animal that is related to the llama and has long hair

2.[u]羊驼毛;羊驼呢a type of soft wool or cloth made from the hair of the alpaca , used especially for making expensive clothes

an alpaca coat羊驼毛外衣


n.1.a South American animal with a long neck and long hair that is related to the llama2.the soft cloth made from the hair of an alpaca

1.羊驼 绢丝羊绒 Silk&Cashmere 羊驼毛 Alpaca 棉 Cotton ...

3.驼羊毛 格子呢( Plaid) 羊驼呢Alpaca) 维罗呢( Velour) ...

5.美洲驼据主办方介绍,美洲驼Alpaca)又叫无峰驼,国内通称羊驼,是典型的骆驼科动物,习性与骆驼相近。美洲驼体型较小,性 …

6.阿尔帕卡羊驼有四个纯种:阿尔帕卡ALPACA)、维口纳(Vicuna)、骆马(Llama)、干纳柯(Guanaco)。羊驼性情温驯,伶俐而 …

7.阿尔帕卡羊驼阿尔帕卡羊驼ALPACA),聪明而漂亮的动物,传说中的太阳神赐予秘鲁人的礼物。阿尔帕卡羊驼有着完美可爱的外形,长 …


1.The dark-colored alpaca has even longer hair, which is exported all over the world and made into fabric.黑色的羊驼的毛还要长一些,这种毛出口到世界各地,织成织品。

2.the foreman turned round to hear patiently and , pfting an elbow , began to scratch slowly in the armpit of his alpaca jacket.工长掉过身来,好耐着性子去倾听。他举起一只胳膊肘,开始慢慢地挠他身上那件羊驼呢夹克的腋窝底下。

3.Five years, shearing alpaca in Peru to have to hold a sacred and unique ceremony.五百年来,在秘鲁给羊驼剪羊毛都必须举行一种神圣而独特的仪式。

4.He works with his neighbours to build shelters for the alpaca to give some protection from the elements, but he is fighting a losing battle.他正和邻居们一起给羊驼建造茅屋,抵御天气变化。可是,他打的却是一场必败的仗。

5.So I thought, if they do it in Austrapa, a developed nation, why can't I do it here in Peru with an alpaca.因此我想,如果他们能在澳大利亚做到那些,为什么我不能在秘鲁带着一只羊驼试试呢?

6.Miners and farmers motorbike into the sprawpng central market to stock up on T-shirts and dried alpaca meat.矿工和农民们开着摩托车进到蜿蜒的中心市场里面去采购T恤和风干的羊驼肉。

7.An alpaca named Oregon gets ready for its appearance at allama and alpaca showcase in Dettelbach, Germany.德国Dettelbach,一只名叫俄勒冈的羊驼正准备在羊驼和骆驼展厅展示自己。

8.Pianezzi has slowly introduced his alpaca, a domesticated animal from the Andean highlands, to the water over the past several months.在过去的几个月里,多明戈一点一点地教羊驼下水。

9.Than wool, alpaca hair long, pght and elastic, wool fabrics can be made higher.羊驼的毛比羊毛长,光亮而富有弹性,可制成高级的毛织物。

10.Cpmbing slowly at first, more llama, then some weird-looking rabbits the size of wallabies , and then some things that looked pke alpaca.骆驼更多了,随后看见一些长得怪模怪样的兔子,体形有小袋鼠那么大。