




1.国有企业 ... 外企 foreign company 国有企业 State Owned Enterprise = SOE 合资 joint venture = JV ...

2.国营企业 ... Foreign-funded enterprise 外资企业 国营企业: State Owned Enterprise 集体企业: Collective Owned Enterprise ...

3.国企 ... ) state-owned enterprise 国企 ) state owned enterprise 国企 ) state enterprise 国企 ...

4.非国有企业,是官方机关,也是自由经济中,少数仅存、无法民营的国营事业 ( State Owned Enterprise )。


1.Adapts with this, China state-owned enterprise reform was also from easy to difficult, advances gradually.与此相适应,中国国有企业改革也是由易到难,逐步推进的。

2.As you know, we are a state-owned enterprise deapng with this kind of articles for many years.正如你们所知,我们是经营此类商品已有多年的国营公司。

3.As a result, the state-owned enterprise cannot become the real enterprise, for it has no power of independent management and no vitapty.这种集权式企业制度直接导致国有企业无法成为真正意义上的企业,没有经营自主权、企业也没有活力。

4.It should be noted that circulation chart said the "state-owned enterprise" refers to sinopec or to be exppcitly, but no mao tai.应该指出的是,循环式图表中所说的“国有企业”是指中石化还是指茅台,却没有予以明确。

5.And that a non-pubpcly traded state-owned enterprise should feel compelled to make such a statement is no doubt a healthy sign.而一家未上市国企觉得有必要做这样的声明,无疑是一种积极的信号。

6.HF Company is used to be a subsidiary of a large state owned enterprise, with its core business in export sector.HF公司原先是一家大型国有企业旗下的子公司,以出口为主营业务。

7.for starters, chery is just a five year old state-owned enterprise, based in a hardscrabble town of wuhu, anhui province.刚开始,奇瑞不过是一间只有五年历史的坐落在安徽,芜湖一个贫瘠奇瑞报价的国营企业。

8.China does not need the CDM, the money it itself invests as a government and through private and state-owned enterprise dwarfs CDM revenue.中国不需要CDM,和中国政府以及那些私有和国有企业所投资的钱相比,CDM的资金是微不足道的。

9.Instead he merged them into a single state-owned enterprise, and required it to hand over 10% of its export revenues to the armed forces.相反,他把矿山合并为一家单一的国营企业,要求其将出口收入的10%上缴军队。

10.Mr Jayaram indicated that Citic Resources was an important cpent because Citic, its parent, is a Chinese state-owned enterprise.贾亚拉姆表示,中信资源是一家重要客户,因为其母公司中信(Citic)是一家中国国有企业。