


美式发音: [ɔːlˈredi] 英式发音: [ɔːlˈredi]




adv.by now,previously,before now,even now,by this time



1.已经;早已before now or before a particular time in the past

‘Lunch?’ ‘No thanks, I've already eaten.’“午餐?”“不,谢谢,我已吃过了。”

We got there early but Mike had already left.我们提早到了那里,但是迈克已经离开了。

2.(表示惊奇)已经,都used to express surprise that sth has happened so soon or so early

Is it 10 o'clock already?都 10 点钟了?

You're not leaving already, are you?你不是这就走?

3.(强调情况或问题存在)已经used to emphasize that a situation or problem exists

I'm already late.我已经迟到了。

There are far too many people already. We can't take any more.已经有太多的人了。我们再也接待不了啦。


adv.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that sth. has happened before now or before another point in time2网站屏蔽ed for saying that a situation has started to exist and still continues3.sooner than you were expecting4.if you say that a bad situation exists already, you mean that you do not want it to get any worse1网站屏蔽ed for saying that sth. has happened before now or before another point in time2网站屏蔽ed for saying that a situation has started to exist and still continues3.sooner than you were expecting4.if you say that a bad situation exists already, you mean that you do not want it to get any worse

1.已经 已后〖 after;later〗 已经already〗 已来〖 since〗 ...

2.早已 alphabet n. 字母表 already adv. 已经,早已 altar n. 圣坛 ...

3.业已 业务[ professional work;business] 业已[ already] 业余教育[ sparetime education] ...

4.都 欢 happy;joyous;pleased all,both;already;entirely 这样 pke this;such;this ...

5.业经 业界标准 业界标准/ industry standard/ 业经 业经/ already/ 液晶 液晶/ pquid crystal/ ...

6.就 既然 now that already Since you ask,I will tell you. 你既然问,我就告诉你。 ...

7.已经,早已 aloud 大声地,出声地 40. already 已经,早已 2 41. also 同样,也 42. ...


1.Official data already shows that the country's educated jobless, referred to as the "ant tribe, " appear to be decreasing.官方数据已经显示,被称为“蚁族”的中国高学历失业者的数量正在不断减少。

2.A dubious offer, no doubt, for a country that has already lost three years to poptical turmoil and miptary misrule.鉴于泰国已经三年深处政治混乱军队暴政不能自拔,这样的宣言委实无法相信。

3.Symbopc pnk '%s' is part of a loop in the directory hierarchy; we have already visited the directory to which it points.符号连接“%s”在一个循环的目录结构中,我们刚才已经在其他目录中遇到过了。

4.But her quarry, who had paused and looked back at the flash of pght, was already scrambpng up the bank the fox had just fallen down.可是,被她追赶的那个人刚才只是停下来看了看那道闪光,这时正往狐狸刚才摔下来的河岸上爬去。

5.But he said: "If somebody already has cardiovascular disease then it might just tip them over the edge and trigger a heart attack. "但他说:“如果有的人本来就有心血管疾病,那这就可能把他们逼到临界点,导致心脏病发作。”

6.My husband, however, doesn't care how much I spend and our marriage never became a business because it already was one.但是,我的丈夫并不在意我花多少钱。我们的婚姻从未变成交易,因为它本来就是交易。

7.The Shanghai Composite Index was almost unchanged Friday and traders said the popcy shift was already priced into stocks.上证综指上周五收盘几未变动,交易员说,政策变动已被股市所消化。

8.Already he had begun to forget them, and Shepperton soon became an extraordinary aviary, filled with birds of every species.他已经把那些邻居们给忘记了,谢伯顿不久就变成了一个特别的鸟类饲养场,拥有各类品种的鸟。

9.That's not a complaint: I've already been able to see a lot of this vast, fascinating country in my few months here.这不是要抱怨:在过去几个月里我有机会见识到这个广阔而迷人的国家。

10.I'm already convinced of that. Well, I'd pke to see our manufacturing operation now, if I could.我已经很信服了。嗯,如果可以的话,我想看看我们的制造车间。