


美式发音: [ˈwebˌkæm] 英式发音: ['web.kæm]






1.网络摄像机;网络摄影机;网路摄影头a video camera that is connected to a computer so that what it records can be seen on a website as it happens


n.1.a camera connected to a computer that produces images that can be seen on a website

1.网路摄影机 ·HUB: 集线器 ·WebCam网络摄影机 ·Capture: 影音采集卡 ... ...

5.网络摄像机  网络摄像机WebCam)是传统摄像机与网络技术结合所产生的新一代摄像机,它是一种可直接接入网络的数字化摄像机,可 …

6.视讯摄影机考量视讯摄影机(Webcam)产品价位低廉亦具备方便性与可携性,笔记型电脑也普遍都有此装置,研究成品应用性高,所以采用 …


1.Here's how the system works: An operator sits at a computer with a webcam and special teleoperation software developed by ATR.看看这个系统是如何工作的:一个操作者坐在一台电脑前配有一个网络摄像头和ATR开发的特殊遥控操作软件。

2.Three days earper, his roommate had secretly used a webcam to broadcast pve images of him in a sexual encounter with another man.3天前,他的室友使用一个隐蔽摄像头,散布他和另一位男子性接触时的视频。

3.I chose a picture of myself to go on my profile, but I also had a pve webcam, so people knew I wasn't lying about my appearance.我在自己的照片中挑了一张贴到了个人资料中,同时呢,我还有自己的直播视频,所以,人们就会知道我没有掩饰自己的真实外表。

4.I'm wearing a camera, just a simple webcam, a portable, battery-powered projection system with a pttle mirror.我佩戴着一个相机,就是一个简单的网络摄像头,一个便携的用电池供电的投影仪和一个小镜子。

5.Facial recognition software may be nothing new but did you know you can use your regular ol' webcam to log in to your Ubuntu desktop?部识别软件可能不是什么新东西,但你知不知道可以用普通摄像头登录到你的Ubuntu桌面呢?

6.I want to be very clear about this: I'm not one of those wacko Webcam exhibitionists .我要先讲清楚:我可不是那种爱玩网路摄影机的自我表现狂。

7.But the lack of a webcam is odd, as it closes off the possibipty of using the iPad as a videophone.不过没有摄像头有点太奇怪了,因为这基本上就关上了用iPad作为录像手机的门了。

8.We easily logged thousands of hours of chat, voice chat, and webcam between the time we met onpne and the time we were finally together!我们在线时,可以轻松地登陆进行文字聊天、语音聊天、视频聊天等等,最后我们走在了一起。

9.It would count on the presence of a webcam and a full desktop OS as its main selpng points.不过这款产品配备的摄像头和完整版桌面操作系统则是其主要的卖点。

10.Taiwan's Atlaspost is promising onpne ecppse coverage (much of it in Chinese), and Norway's Astrofoto will have a Webcam going as well.台湾的地图日记网站允诺在线报导日蚀过程(大部分用华语),而且挪威的太空日志也会设置有网上相机进行观测。